This seems to be asked a lot on here lately... but I researched the subject for at least 6 months before finally making my purchase (I am an ex-Canon DSLR owner) and after all of my research, coming close to buying the Fujifilm X-Pro1, I waited until they released, and purchased the Fujifilm X-E1... and it is one of the nicest cameras I have ever used, especially considering the price!
Same APS-C/X-Trans sensor as the X-Pro1 with the only thing missing is the Hybrid Optical/EVF viewfinder (which aparently, the optical side can only be used in Auto mode in the X-Pro1 and I always shoot all manual) but the X-E1's EVF is supposed to be one of the best in the industry; the same as the Sony NEX-7.
But it's the X-Trans sensor that is all the rage in both the X-Pro1 and the X-E1. There is no Anti-Aliasing filter (just like the Leica M9) so the images are much sharper than what you would find on even a full frame sensor, according to most of the reviews (I had posted numerous links to this to the last person who asked this same question a few weeks ago; not going to search for the links again.) But unlike the Leica M9, which has bad moire issues (which is why camera makers put AA filters on Bayer Pattern sensors in the first place) the X-Trans sensor uses a new Random filter array which eliminates moire, which is why even Leica owners have been singing the praises of the new Fuji X series of cameras.
Plus, the X-E1 is less money than the X-Pro1, more compact, uses all the same lenses, has a pop-up flash, can accept external microphones for video recording and is just a really, really great camera.
If I were you, I would choose mirrorless, as DSLRs are just dinosaurs theses days in my opinion. They do still have the advantage of having a much wider lens range and seem to be better for action/sports photography, but that's about it. And if you go mirrorless, well my choice was for the factors I mentioned above, plus I wanted a classic looking manual camera, but you can't go wrong with the Sony NEX series either! Just my two cents...
Here's one of my first test shots from my X-E1, all manual settings, shot with one continuous light source in raw mode -