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macrumors 6502a
Jul 17, 2002
Bay of Fundy
I haven't cleaned mine yet. frankly I'm slightly afraid, plus I haven't invested in the proper tools/solutions, but I probably will give it a go in the next month or two


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
Cooknn said:
Scares the heck out of me. I think I'll take it to Ritz Camera if I ever need to get it cleaned.

That's pretty scary, too. How are your legs? :D

Glad I decided to pass all of that and use a camera that has the solution inside.


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
puckhead193 said:
huh?! how... :confused:

Olympus digital SLRs (E-1, E-300, E-500) all have the fancy, shaky thingee that eliminates dust on the sensor, as my earlier link describes. In 1.5 years, I've never had an issue with dust, just like my previous Olympus digital ZLR, which was an all-in-one so it couldn't get dust on the sensor at all.


macrumors 6502
Mar 1, 2004
In a nice place..
I have cleaned my 20D sensor about a dozen times, and in the beginning it can be a nerve racking experience. You never know how much pressure to use (if using the senor swabs or copperhill method) and are always woried about damaging the filter. (since you don't actually touch the sensor). I can say that I have not messed anything up yet :)

I have also tried the brush method, but so far I seem to always have to go back to the sensor swab. When I first got my brush, it worked the first time, and then the second I must have gotten some residue on the brush from the compressed can that it left a smear on the filter. I had to use the sensor swab to get it off. Sometimes I have a really nasty spot that I have to use some extra pressure and time to get rid of.



macrumors 68020
Aug 23, 2003
Fort Myers, FL
iGary said:
It's easy as pie. The Copperhill method works best, IMO.
The unknown is always scarier :eek: Once I dig in and get it done - carefully following directions (I'll check into Copperhill) I'm sure I'll find that it 's a breeze. So far no dust is showing up on my stuff though, and I've been using my DSLR for a couple of months...
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