Ok, so I'm still deciding on whether or not to buy my Mac, after selling the way too powerful for me Dual 2ghz G5 PM. I'm deciding between a Dual G4 or an HP machine (http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,1848866,00.asp). I'd be buying the refurbed HP for just $759 after $50 rebate and instead of integrated graphics, it has a low-end ATI X300SE video card, not great, but not integrated either. I'm a college student who does a little audio editing/mixing. I like to use SOund Forge and Adobe Audition, both PC products, but I could use something for the Mac if I go back. I'd like to get this system for under $900. Could I find a Dual G4 for under 900? And have it be comparable to the HP? I'd really need a PVR card or external firewire for it as well, this is something the HP comes with. So budget that in for the Mac. I really like OS X too. Would the G4 dual be good enough for Tiger? I could upgrade video card to anything really couldn't i? I'm seriously considering the PowerMac, but the HP has got many things going for it as well.