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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Dec 10, 2004
Ok, so I'm still deciding on whether or not to buy my Mac, after selling the way too powerful for me Dual 2ghz G5 PM. I'm deciding between a Dual G4 or an HP machine (,1895,1848866,00.asp). I'd be buying the refurbed HP for just $759 after $50 rebate and instead of integrated graphics, it has a low-end ATI X300SE video card, not great, but not integrated either. I'm a college student who does a little audio editing/mixing. I like to use SOund Forge and Adobe Audition, both PC products, but I could use something for the Mac if I go back. I'd like to get this system for under $900. Could I find a Dual G4 for under 900? And have it be comparable to the HP? I'd really need a PVR card or external firewire for it as well, this is something the HP comes with. So budget that in for the Mac. I really like OS X too. Would the G4 dual be good enough for Tiger? I could upgrade video card to anything really couldn't i? I'm seriously considering the PowerMac, but the HP has got many things going for it as well.
highres said:
Why would anybody want less processing power? How can a machine have "way too much power"? You want a "less powerful" machine? :confused:


I have my dual G5 and have yet to have a page out on 2GB of RAM, however i am pretty intense in my photoshop (or i guess i am not if no pageouts)
highres said:
Why would anybody want less processing power? How can a machine have "way too much power"? You want a "less powerful" machine? :confused:

because why should i pay for the extra power that i won't use? I spent $2000 for the Dual G5, but I can get by with a system that's $800, I can save $1200.
dwd3885 said:
because why should i pay for the extra power that i won't use? I spent $2000 for the Dual G5, but I can get by with a system that's $800, I can save $1200.

because your dual G5 will last longer (with continually upgrading the programs and the ability to run them)

Than a less powerful machine
eva01 said:
because your dual G5 will last longer (with continually upgrading the programs and the ability to run them)

Than a less powerful machine

i know it will last longer, but the point is i don't have the money now. so i can't afford it now. i know in the long run it will last, but right now, at this point in time, i don't have the money to afford one
eva01 said:
because your dual G5 will last longer (with continually upgrading the programs and the ability to run them)

Than a less powerful machine

But I don't know how less powerful a machine the HP one is. Did you loook at the link? Dual Core, blah, blah, blah. That looks good. Maybe the G4 will be terrible in a year, but I doubt the HP will be
Errr...I cringe every time I hear "audio editing" and "PC" in the same sentence. I further cringe when I hear Adobe as a software audio editor. Don't get me wrong, a PC can indeed do audio, but I would never, ever recommend a PC over a mac for doing audio/video production. This is only my personal experience and opinion, so take it as such. That being said, I would look into getting at least a dual 2gig just kidding. Seriously, if you can't handle a G5 then get at least a dual 1gig G4.
dwd3885 said:
i know it will last longer, but the point is i don't have the money now. so i can't afford it now. i know in the long run it will last, but right now, at this point in time, i don't have the money to afford one

You should have phrased your OP like this, "I can't afford the G5 because it costs $2000 more than the WinMac or G4 and so I am looking for a cheaper machine that will still run OSX Tiger."

However I would still keep the G5, your G4 will fairly quickly be outdated and will have to be upgraded to run Tiger smoothly on it, and why buy a WinMac which looks pretty good on the surface but if you factor in "cost of ownership" with maintenance and upkeep, etc., then how much cheaper than a G5 PM is it really?
Tiger is just fine on Dual G4s. I suggest you get a powermac G4 (with a AGP4X slot) and get the processor upgrades i think 1.6 Dual card is going at arround 400$. Then you are well under the budget. But from what you say a mac mini might just as well suffice. Just get another if you need to have some thing dedicated for recording and stuff (@400$). Athlon 64 systems and as well as P4s are pretty cheap now. So you might get a very good rig for 500 bucks. see on which system you have the software needed. After running arround and spending enough cash, i realized that computer does not matter nirvana ... (unless it the latest and the fastest thing that i can get!! ...;-) ) ...
what do you guys think of the HP system I posted the Link to? But take out the integrated graphics and add the ATI X300SE PCI-Express video card. The audio ports for L, R, and S-Video port is pretty cool
'Sif you'd debate pc over mac.

PCs need as much processing power as possible...
Sorry, but for what it's worth, macs are cheaper in things you can't get back, such as time. :)
I suggest an iMac G5.
dwd3885 said:
what do you guys think of the HP system I posted the Link to? But take out the integrated graphics and add the ATI X300SE PCI-Express video card. The audio ports for L, R, and S-Video port is pretty cool

If you can put in your own card buy an ATI RADEON X1300 PRO —their faster and more powerful than X300SE.
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