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macrumors P6
Original poster
Oct 1, 2007
Got my 12.9” gen 2 with ASK, official silicone case that was for gen 1, and Slickwrap pencil, 11.3.1 jailbroken and some fun custom things going, not tossing it. Don’t feel like double dipping on either accessory right now, especially for a smaller screen keyboard, and no sales on either. My 12.9 feels like a nice complete ‘kit’

Just tossed my 9.7 pro I used extensively without keyboard (sold it a while ago, didnt like the 9.7” ASK attachment) though because I felt it was time for something newer than a9x though it was still a perfectly capable tablet, and 120hz and though there are good deals on 10.5 too its old tech and didnt want to get yesteryear, today. Always still an option if I find the 11” has any showstoppers, but I am a deal person for iPads so it would hurt my price to buy a good sale 10.5 knowing I could have a year ago too... But dont get me wrong, the 10.5” has its appeal too - if you can find a jailbreakable unit (would be my pref at least), headphone jack, 2nd gen Touch ID, durability if concerned, cheaper price, 120hz still, re-usable ASK even if different size and Apple Pencil gen 1, etc..

So I put 9.7 funds towards towards a 11” iPP on BF sale,

And so far this seems like an excellent combo: the 11” and 2017 12.9” plus I’m way less fragile with this device than my 11” which I’m babying so far due to bendgate and just being new, and expensive, and waiting on a cheap-o Smart Cover/TPU combo case from amazon while determining what Im doing long term for protection. Nude feels awesome! The 12.9” is more a faux laptop replacement, on a desk or couch but ASK attached 99% of the time. 11” will be my traditional tablet.

But I’m sure there are some users that love mini4 and 12.9 gen. 3, etc etc.
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Occasionally I want a Mini to read easily. But I don’t get wanting an 11 and a 12.9. I had a 12.9, but I still required a laptop for the work I do. It was too big to read PDFs on and when I needed to do something important I still needed my laptop. So, I got an 11 and it has returned to being the accessory it always was for my laptop rather than being something independent I can use.

An 11 and a laptop works great for me. But, I’d love to just have one device (2-in-1 iPad).
I use my 1st gen and now 3rd gen 12.9” iPads together. I carry both of these outside the house regularly as I have the grandfathered at&t unlimited data plan. I am actually thinking of getting another gen 3 12.9” to use 3 at home instead of the two 12.9” and 3rd 9.7” iPad I currently use simultaneously at home.

I may wait though. I just bought 4 MacBook Pro 13” for my kids this weekend and will probably need to buy some iPads for them too.
I have the same setup as OP— second gen 12.9 and an 11. I was using 12.9 and an Air 2 until recently. The 12.9 replaced my MBP. I teach online, and it’s actually a better machine for that than a MBP is, since I don’t have to have a Wacom tablet anymore. I would use the Air 2 to look at PDFs/books while teaching. I upgraded to the 11 because 1. I wanted to be able to mark up the PDFs/books while using them on my smaller device, and 2. I wanted ASK/pencil on my smaller device, so that I could throw it in my purse and have everything I need at any time. I’m very happy with this setup.
15" MBP and desktop gets majority of my work (design and photography).
11" iPP for traveling and light work, editing. If the wife's 2018 iPad is in range or my iPhone X is, I'll just use that.
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