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macrumors 601
Original poster
Jan 11, 2007
North Central Florida
I need an app that will play a video from your library in the top 1/2 of the screen, and then allow you to type notes on the bottom half. Using the iTunes transfer to get them out would be great....

My willingness to pay top $$ for such a thing goes up with added features. :D

Is this even doable with the SDK? Now that you guys can talk anyway....

I'm not thinking that will let my daughter watch a video class from her library and take notes during it? (the classes aren't streamed, we convert them from DVDs or mpeg2 files)

But the fact that there are a few of these duo apps out has me hopeful for a cool solution. I'm thinking for now she will end up just using her Touch for notes like she is doing now.
We did some testing for you and as long as the video is online there are a few options that would allow you to accomplish this with Browser Duo.

In the screen shot below, I am watching video content from CNN on the top half of Browser Duo, while taking notes on the bottom using Yahoo Notepad ( Great thing about this option is the notes would be available to download later from any computer.


Hope this helps.
We did some testing for you and as long as the video is online there are a few options that would allow you to accomplish this with Browser Duo.

In the screen shot below, I am watching video content from CNN on the top half of Browser Duo, while taking notes on the bottom using Yahoo Notepad ([/QUOTE] ...otebooks/Notebooks_for_iPhone.html"]Notebooks (what she currently uses for notes) and he is going to look into seeing if he can add video in a split screen mode. It wasn't something he had considered before i asked, despite having other ideas on his own.

Hopefully i'm not the only one with the need and it pans out for us!
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