I have a double Contact list in my I Phone
How do I delte that
Went to forum before and the answer did not quite go as directed
Some gentleman wrote:
In iTunes tell it to NOT sync any addresses, then on the phone go to your push settings for contacts and turn push off... then turn push back on. It will ask if you want to merge with current iphone contacts or replace. Tell it to merge. that fixed it for me.

It Did not ask me to merge
How do I resolve
How do I delte that
Went to forum before and the answer did not quite go as directed
Some gentleman wrote:
In iTunes tell it to NOT sync any addresses, then on the phone go to your push settings for contacts and turn push off... then turn push back on. It will ask if you want to merge with current iphone contacts or replace. Tell it to merge. that fixed it for me.
It Did not ask me to merge
How do I resolve