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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 25, 2017
I got a new MacBook a month ago for work, and this week I began to experience some pretty major problems with it shutting down multiple times a day. I brought it into the Apple Store, and they agreed to give me a new replacement computer.

Since I got the computer through work, I took a photo of the serial number of the old computer. I got home, and began to write an email to my IT Help Desk explaining what happened. I provided the serial number of the old computer, and then went to get the serial number of the new computer, which turned out to be the same number.

Huh? How could that be?!?!

They brought the new computer to me in a cellophane wrapped box while my old computer was still out on the table at the store. Do they put that number on before it is boxed up in back? Is this a thing that other people have seen?


macrumors 68000
May 18, 2017
Austin, TX
I'm guessing you got the new serial number from the About This Mac dialog window?
What does the tiny imprint at the bottom of the MacBook say?


macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
Serial numbers don't get transferred from system to system. The only time that happens is for logic board replacements, when the system serial number is recorded to the ROM on the replacement logic board. This does NOT happen when you get a system swap. The old serial number stays with that system, and your new MBPro has a different serial number.

Your IT desk should know what your old serial number was. Does that agree with the picture that you took?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 25, 2017
I got the new serial number from "About this Mac" and from the back of the computer. I agree @DeltaMac, it seems strange that the old serial number and new serial number would be the same, but that does in fact seem to be the case. Very strange.


macrumors 601
Aug 14, 2015
Land of Smiles
I got the new serial number from "About this Mac" and from the back of the computer. I agree @DeltaMac, it seems strange that the old serial number and new serial number would be the same, but that does in fact seem to be the case. Very strange.
Sure you are not getting model/part number and serial number mixed up ? :)

Serial numbers are unique if it starts with an M eg MPXV2LL/A its a model number

PS Do not tell us your serial number
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macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
I got the new serial number from "About this Mac" and from the back of the computer. I agree @DeltaMac, it seems strange that the old serial number and new serial number would be the same, but that does in fact seem to be the case. Very strange.
How many characters in that serial number?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 25, 2017
Sure you are not getting model/part number and serial number mixed up ? :)

Serial numbers are unique if it starts with an M eg MPXV2LL/A its a model number

PS Do not tell us your serial number

Yep, I'm sure. Serial number for sure. 12 digits long, and it starts with a "C"
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