Since obtaining my Alu 20 inch iMac last year i have been more than happy with it, until recently that is.
Over the months dirty blotches have appeared down the sides and also dirty rays coming in from the top.
Today I thought I would pop the carbonite panel from the iMac and clean it all off.
What a shock I got on removing this panel only to find the dirt is inside the LCD screen itself.
Now this is not good at all, I have never ever seen this on any other flat screen I have seen or used. It has to be caused by the fans the machine needs to keep itself cool.
I know I can plug in a second screen, but can I do this and turn the main screen off ?
What panel would people recommend 20 inch and what cable would I need ?
Just had a thought that maybe this could be caused by the fact the I/we crank up the fans beyond Apples default settings using smcFanControl, hence more dirt gets sucked in.
Thanks for reading........
Since obtaining my Alu 20 inch iMac last year i have been more than happy with it, until recently that is.
Over the months dirty blotches have appeared down the sides and also dirty rays coming in from the top.
Today I thought I would pop the carbonite panel from the iMac and clean it all off.
What a shock I got on removing this panel only to find the dirt is inside the LCD screen itself.
Now this is not good at all, I have never ever seen this on any other flat screen I have seen or used. It has to be caused by the fans the machine needs to keep itself cool.
I know I can plug in a second screen, but can I do this and turn the main screen off ?
What panel would people recommend 20 inch and what cable would I need ?
Just had a thought that maybe this could be caused by the fact the I/we crank up the fans beyond Apples default settings using smcFanControl, hence more dirt gets sucked in.
Thanks for reading........