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I've had a dust filter on my Mac Pro since I got it.
I went to Home Depot and bought a foam filter for about $10, cut it to size and inserted it into the Mac Pro. It sits against the grill on the inside and I can take it out once every 6 months or so and clean it.
That product looks to be the same thing except it more than twice as much.
Thanks for sharing this. When you were using the dust filter, did your Mac Pro had heat issues like was the temperature of the machine higher with the filter on? Did the dust filter helped in making the interior totally dust free or it minimized dust getting in?
When I got my Mac Pro, I had it set on carpet which meant a lot of dust accumulated. After a week I had a coat of dust on everything in the Mac Pro.
So I went and got the foam, cut it to size (took me a few tries to get it perfect), and I've been using it ever since. This cured my dust issue to the point where after a year I barely had any dust in the computer. It was not entirely dust free as for example for the optical drive was I was unable to fit a filter there, so dust does have a way to get in; it was all minimal as the optical bay / power supply part of the chassis is compartmentalized from the rest of the Mac Pro.
The Mac Pro is very efficient and I did not have issues with temperatures going up (not to any degree that I noticed). If anything the foam also acted as sound dampener and reduced the overall noise of the Mac Pro.
Any filter restricts air flow to some extent. I doubt Apple designed the air flow through the Mac Pro with a filter in mind.
I am more worried about temperature increases that could cause component failure. The dust I can occasionally blow/vacuum out of the unit.
It was not entirely dust free as for example for the optical drive was I was unable to fit a filter there, so dust does have a way to get in; it was all minimal as the optical bay / power supply part of the chassis is compartmentalized from the rest of the Mac Pro.
After having my Mac Pro for 4 years, I don't see the need.
I hoover the front every so often and then every 6 months take it apart and hoover the heatsinks and fans at the same time.
The Northbridge heatsink is the worst :/
I hope you have a special grounded hoover, if you don't, you've got lucky these past 4 years.
Static buildup is only a problem if:
A) It isn't plugged in (and therefore grounded).
B) I touch electrical contacts.
As long as you dont rub balloons next to them computers are fine with being hoovered.
I would strongly disagree, as would most if not all reputable articles on computer care you read.
Home vacuum cleaners are simply too varied to declare them to be safe to use. It might be a small risk but it can still be a risk that destroys your computer.
You can do what you like but id urge anyone else to at least think twice before doing the same.
I wont reply on the subject again because i don't want to go further off topic.
15 years of cleaning computers with hoovers and not one has died.
If your careful, it isn't a problem.
15 years of cleaning computers with hoovers and not one has died.
If your careful, it isn't a problem.
My guess is you will have to increase fans speed to keep the same air flow over the innards, otherwise temperatures will go up. Of course, at some point the temperatures you get without the filter will creep up as dust collects inside. How long this will takes depends on the environment. Personally, I'd rather keep my MP quiet and cool, and do a cleaning from time to time with my DATAVAC.