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Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
I just started playing around with Mactheripper to copy a DVD to the hard drive. I want to do this with DVDs I have, one at a time, so that I can watch them in a half-size window while working on the side, and also away from home, and not worry about losing the discs, etc. I don't mind the large file size cuz I just keep the one I'm watching on the drive until I'm done with it and then delete it.

Anyway, I've got a problem with DVD Player. It doesn't allow bookmarks on files played off the HD, and if I put the computer to sleep while the disc is paused, it forgets its place when it wakes up. Is there a workaround?

Oh, also, what's the diff between using Mactheripper to pull a DVD off a disc and just copying the TS_VIDEO folder?
To you last question: Mac the Ripper decrypts the Video_TS folder so that another program can compress it if you want. If all you want to do is play the movie, go ahead and just drag the folder.

I don't know for sure if this work with your larger problem, but try playing the movie with VLC. I prefer that for DVDs anyway as there are some features missing in Apple's player, such as deinterlacing.
Isn't that why DVDs have chapters? I can't be that hard to get back close to the spot you were at, since most DVDs have chapters every 10 minutes or so.
crazzyeddie said:
Isn't that why DVDs have chapters? I can't be that hard to get back close to the spot you were at, since most DVDs have chapters every 10 minutes or so.

True, this is what I'm doing. But that's almost the same as asking why there's a pause at all. I'd really rather go back exactly to where I was, not to mention forgetting to look at the chapter I was on or the time when I pause the movie. But FWIW, yes, I *am* aware conceptually that DVDs have chapters.

Simon -- thanks, perhaps I will try VLC.... One of those apps I haven't gotten yet but there seem to be more & more reasons to try it.
Simon Liquid said:
To you last question: Mac the Ripper decrypts the Video_TS folder so that another program can compress it if you want. If all you want to do is play the movie, go ahead and just drag the folder.

I don't know for sure if this work with your larger problem, but try playing the movie with VLC. I prefer that for DVDs anyway as there are some features missing in Apple's player, such as deinterlacing.

I am pretty sure you are wrong about just copying the VIDEO_TS folder straight from the disc. Mactheripper and similar programs not only copy the data off the DVD, they decrypt it so that it can be played.

mkrishnan - if mactheripper isn't working for you I suggest DVDBackup. I have used it for years and never had any problems.
Yeah, but Apple's DVD player and VLC can decrypt it too, if you play a disk. It's been forever since I tried this, but I think they'll do the job on a straight-copied VIDEO_TS folder as well. At least VLC should, Apple's player might possibly cripple this intentionally.
Simon Liquid said:
Yeah, but Apple's DVD player and VLC can decrypt it too, if you play a disk. It's been forever since I tried this, but I think they'll do the job on a straight-copied VIDEO_TS folder as well. At least VLC should, Apple's player might possibly cripple this intentionally.

I will have to test it out tonight.
parrothead said:
I will have to test it out tonight.

Thanks! I'll try it too. I guess for what I'm doing there isn't really much sense in use Mactheripper. I guess I should look more closely at a multi-app solution to make a compressed version of the file that has subtitles (I have the HD space for one DVD, but it does put the pinch on, and I watch a lot of foreign movies / subtitles are useful on English movies when in a plane, etc).
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