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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 30, 2003
Just got an ibook G3 which it says has a dvd player in the included software. all disks have been installed but when I put in a dvd it just spits it out!!
Any ideas?
Are you sure you have a DVD player.

To check click on the apple menu and go to "About this Mac" then click on "More Info"
there should be a listing of Hardware devices Click on "ATA" and check if ti says DVD ROM

If you do have the hardware then it could be a media problem (DVD disc doesnt work) other than that i don't know.

good luck
the first step is to make sure your hardware supports dvd playback. Click on the apple in the top left corner of the finder, then click on "About this mac." Next, click the "More info" button. Next, find "ATA" in the menu there, and you should see your HD and your optical drive. Make sure the optical says "DVD" somewhere in it. If not, you can't play DVD's. Otherwise, download VLC media player at
Does it have a combo drive?

Check in your system profiler (in your utilities folder within your Applications folder) and see if the drive recognises as a CD-ROM or a Combo drive. If it's a CD-ROM, all of the software in the world isn't going to let you view DVDs :)
Right...had a look. In the devices and volumes section of the system profiler it says Cd-Rom under the heading Bus(don't know what this means but never mind) and no mention of DVD but in the frameworks section it has DVDcomponentGlue.framework - not available and DVD.framework - DVD
So not sure if I can use DVDs or not!!! Was sold as being able to use them so a bit peed off but thanks for your help anyway!!
Sounds like you were sold an iBook with only a CD-ROM drive, meaning you can't write CDs or read DVDs.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Check with the seller to see if you were given the wrong machine by mistake or something.
Will do...thanks for all your help...hopefully I wont have to bother you again!!;)
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