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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 3, 2003
I just recieved a DVD that i bought off of ebay as it was 'imported from Hong Kong'--whether or not hong kong is just the guy's nickname for his DVD burner, ihave my suspisions; BUT at any rate, it's a DVD-R and i'm having trouble getting it to play on my PB.

When i insert the disk, toast opens automatically giving me the option to copy it but NOT to mount it... the disk itself doesn't appear on the desktop at atll. I'm at a loss as to how t oget this thing to play. I bought the pb back in september, so i would THINK the technology within it is new enough to read the medium, buuut i really don't know much about these things, which is what brings me here :)

So, anybody know what needs to be done to resolve this?
Try Opening up System Preferences:
Go to CDs & DVDs

See what application is set to open when you insert a Video DVD. It should be open DVD Player.

Also go into the Finder Menu--Preferences
Make sure CDs, DVDs and iPods is checked under Show these items on the Desktop
Thanks for the replies.

I actually sent the disk back so that the seller could check it out and he said that it's fine; and I can see a line between the data and clean parts of the disk; so i know that it's not just the disk. Although the default action upon inserting a blank medium is to open toast..:confused:

And my CD/DVD settings are fine.. i play real DVDs on my laptop quite frequently with no problems..
Doesn't matter if it's DVD-R or DVD+R, both plays on PB or PowerMac's superdrive.

You boot a bootleg from the guy, of course you're gonna have problem. Do you remember the brand on the DVD-R? Either he didn't burn it properly, or the quality of the media is so cheap, it crapped out already. It could happen. You can check the burn quality of DVD media using KProbe by Lite-On and a Lite-On DVD writer.
The disk itself has is free of any labels, less the movie's title, "johnny got his gun." The whole thing is actually quite well put together, with the case insert and all--seems very professional. The only thing that makes me question it's origin is the question of why there'd be a market for it in Hong Kong, but not here considering it's an american movie. It's a very influential anti-war film, so maybe that has something to do with it..

The guy supplied me with the model number of the player he tested it on when i sent it back.. but imm not about to buy a whole new player for this single movie =\

Anyways, i'll check out those programs you mentioned, thanks!
1) People w/ experience in burning DVD movies tend to set the region code to All, thus eliminating any conflict in the future.

2) Even if the guy set the region to something else other than 1, the DVD would still appear on desktop, and the region selection window will pop-up when you try to play it w/ DVD Player.
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