What would be faster for a 3TB software RAID0 setup?
2 x 1.5TB drives or 3 x 1TB drives? Would it make a difference?
I'll be using it as a 3TB scratch drive for Final Cut. Lots of ProRes files, you know how that goes...
To answer your question, 3x 1TB disks would be faster.What would be faster for a 3TB software RAID0 setup?
2 x 1.5TB drives or 3 x 1TB drives? Would it make a difference?
I'll be using it as a 3TB scratch drive for Final Cut. Lots of ProRes files, you know how that goes...
I'm still a little lost as to the importance of the data, but am getting the impression that you can't afford to lose it (i.e. non-profit may or may not be paid, and even if it's not paid work, you still answer to someone, and would be expected to be the archival location). As per the light entertainment, this lends me to think this part is paid work.I do a lot of non-profit work and some light entertainment industry work as well.
Until recently, my wife and I shared this computer so I setup a 128Gig SSD as
my OS/Apps drive and setup a 3 disk RAID0 (3x1TB) Home folder drive. Then a 2x1.5TB RAID0 Scratch drive.
All six drives are internal with some mods. Wouldn't mind taking out the two under the optical drive and
hopefully create some better ventilation.
This could work (at least there's a provision for a backup system with this). But it will also run slower than what you have now, so you must be aware of that.Now she has her own iMac. I'll probably still do the SSD drive as my OS/Apps but then thought about the other drives and wondered what the best solution would be. Maybe just use one of my 1TB drives as a home folder drive and maybe use one of the 1.5TB drives as a scratch and the other for Time Machine and don't even do a RAID0 setup. Then I could use the other two drives as externals to transfer info to other studios. Any further ideas or input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.
If the disks are to be controlled by OS X and the system's hardware, their physical location doesn't matter (all 6x SATA ports are physically located on the ICH and accessible/controlled by OS X).Speed is important since I'm editing ProRes files but I'm now thinking that a backup solution is more important. I could leave the drives where they are now (which is SSD in slot 1, 1Tb drives in slots 2, 3 and 4, and 2 1.5Tb drives under the optical drive). I'm not sure what the best use of the drives I have and how to reconfigure my setup. I just have to figure out the best way to balance speed and backup. Anymore input would be great.
If the disks are to be controlled by OS X and the system's hardware, their physical location doesn't matter (all 6x SATA ports are physically located on the ICH and accessible/controlled by OS X).
In terms of an inexpensive backup, you could look into using an eSATA card + Port Multiplier enclosure (example 4 bay kit; just add drives). There are larger units as well if you'll need to use more capacity. BTW, consumer grade Green drives are good for backup purposes so long as they're not on a RAID controller (cheap too). As per how to configure these, you could do a JBOD (concatenation = adds all the disks' capacity together, and is seen as a single disk to the system; reliability = that of a single disk).
Now in terms of a primary storage pool, I'd recommend going with a redundant array. Now OS X is only good for 0/1/10 and JBOD, and of those, 1 and 10 are redundant. But only 10 also offers additional speed. Usable capacity is 1/2 of the total capacity (based on the smallest capacity if they're not all the same). So if you've a mix of 1 and 1.5TB disks, it will be based on 1TB (total capacity would be seen as 4TB, usable capacity is 2TB). Redundancy of n = 2 for level 10 (in short, 2 disks can fail without losing your data).
Past this, and you'll need to run a RAID card (recommend 3rd party, not Apple's card = crap), as they can do levels OS X cannot (i.e. 5/6/50/60, of which 5 would be the most useful for a balance of speed and redundancy for a system you'll have access to in the event a failure does occur). One thing to note, that with using such a card, you'll need enterprise grade HDD's in order for it to be stable (has to do with the timings in the firmware, as control of the disks is under the card, not OS X and the ICH in the system). This is absolutely critical, and such disks aren't as cheap as consumer grade disks. Now this is where capacity and growth are critical, so you need to put some thought into this.
I'd recommend taking a look at RAID threads here in MR (I've posted a lot on this), as well as the RAID wiki (pay particular attention to the levels).
Thanks again.
There's no budget for adding a eSata card (or drives for that matter), I just
had to replace my graphics card. Based on your info and the RAID Wiki, I think
I might just keep the SSD as is (format and reinstall the OS/Apps), use the 1 Tb drive
in slot 2 as my Home folder drive, use the two 1Tb drives in slots 3 & 4 as a
RAID0 Scratch (2Tb scratch drive), then use the two 1.5Tb drives under the optical
drive as a RAID0 Time Machine backup for the Home and Scratch drives.
Then I would have 3Tbs of backup for 3Tbs of data (not including the SSD).
Your thoughts?
Thanks again.
There's no budget for adding a eSata card (or drives for that matter), I just
had to replace my graphics card. Based on your info and the RAID Wiki, I think
I might just keep the SSD as is (format and reinstall the OS/Apps), use the 1 Tb drive
in slot 2 as my Home folder drive, use the two 1Tb drives in slots 3 & 4 as a
RAID0 Scratch (2Tb scratch drive), then use the two 1.5Tb drives under the optical
drive as a RAID0 Time Machine backup for the Home and Scratch drives.
Then I would have 3Tbs of backup for 3Tbs of data (not including the SSD).
Your thoughts?
The best way to do this on a budget is to use an eSATA card + Port Multiplier enclosure (easy to expand, and you won't have a bunch of single disks cluttering the workspace).This is pretty similar to what I plan on doing as well. I have been scratching my head though wondering if I should just move the TM backup to an external source. I just want the ability to expand as needed in the future.