Hey all,
I purchased my 2.93GHz iMac probably about two weeks ago at the time of writing this post. It's absolutely fantastic, except for some "issues" I'm having with the Graphics.
This iMac is equipped with the GeForce GT120, which I thought would give me some pretty good video performance, but not completely.
Over the past few weeks, I have noticed the following:
- While using such sites like YouTube, when a video is being streamed (Not in full screen) Screen Tearing occurs, and this happens in pretty much all streaming video. When I go full screen though, it seems to be fine.
- Playing the Visualizer in iTunes (The new one in iTunes 8) Screen Tearing occurs when in the Visualizer window and in full screen.
- When selecting a Spaces window (From the main spaces selection bit, where all your spaces are displayed) The transition between the Desktop and the Spaces selection and vice versa are a bit "chunky" (For lack of a better word). It doesn't happen all the time though.
I basically want to know if this is a normal and common thing on the new iMac's. This kind of thing happened in my MacBook with the Intel Integrated Graphics, I didn't expect it to happen with a dedicated Graphics card. I love my new iMac to bits though!
Thanks Again,
I purchased my 2.93GHz iMac probably about two weeks ago at the time of writing this post. It's absolutely fantastic, except for some "issues" I'm having with the Graphics.
This iMac is equipped with the GeForce GT120, which I thought would give me some pretty good video performance, but not completely.
Over the past few weeks, I have noticed the following:
- While using such sites like YouTube, when a video is being streamed (Not in full screen) Screen Tearing occurs, and this happens in pretty much all streaming video. When I go full screen though, it seems to be fine.
- Playing the Visualizer in iTunes (The new one in iTunes 8) Screen Tearing occurs when in the Visualizer window and in full screen.
- When selecting a Spaces window (From the main spaces selection bit, where all your spaces are displayed) The transition between the Desktop and the Spaces selection and vice versa are a bit "chunky" (For lack of a better word). It doesn't happen all the time though.
I basically want to know if this is a normal and common thing on the new iMac's. This kind of thing happened in my MacBook with the Intel Integrated Graphics, I didn't expect it to happen with a dedicated Graphics card. I love my new iMac to bits though!
Thanks Again,