Bare Feats benchmarks via Daring Fireball.
2011 MacBook Air Core i7 with 4G of RAM and a 256G SSD compared to last year's top MacBook Air and two 2011 MacBook Pros.
Take away: "The 2011 MacBook Air Core i7 is twice as fast as the 2010 MacBook Air Core 2 Duo in three of the four tests we featured on this page."
2011 MacBook Air Core i7 with 4G of RAM and a 256G SSD compared to last year's top MacBook Air and two 2011 MacBook Pros.
Take away: "The 2011 MacBook Air Core i7 is twice as fast as the 2010 MacBook Air Core 2 Duo in three of the four tests we featured on this page."
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