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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 3, 2005
I'm calling the cops
My sister has a cheep 200 dollar canon and she wants to do HDR photography. We already have photoshop and a tripod. What is the fastest way to do HDR on PS?(CS3 beta)


macrumors 68000
Jul 20, 2006
It's fairly easy as long as the camera offers manual exposure control of shutter, ISO and aperture. There are plenty of web tutorials on how to do HDR in PS once you have captured the images.


macrumors 65816
May 2, 2005
Wheaton/Normal, IL
I tried to do it in Photoshop, but Photoshop doesn't really cut it. Most of the HDR images you see have tone mapping along with the HDR, which is done best in a program called Photomatix. If you want to see my examples in Photomatix, I'm putting them up right now in my HDR thread, which also will tell you how to make the HDR. Also, here is a site of how to do it in Photoshop. The instructions are for CS2, but the CS3 Beta has the same menus and everything.



macrumors 6502
Feb 7, 2007
nowhere fast
The post processing has already been covered in this thread, the gist of it is that PS can do HDR, but the more dramatic types of HDR tone mapping are usually achieved with photomatix.

The exposures themselves might be easy or not depending on which camera you have. The A series canons can do manual exposure without too much trouble, but the smaller elph series can only adjust exposure (what you want is control over the shutter speed only, not the shutter and aperture may be able to get decent HDR images with an elph, but most of the time the aperture will vary and the depth of field will differ, giving you a lousy result). auto-bracketing while in shutter priority mode is the most convenient way to achieve this, if the camera allows. The standard starting point for HDR seems to be 3 exposure auto bracketed +-2.0EV. This is a good place to start, and auto bracketing also means you can use a remote or at least gingerly touch the shutter release. If you have to adjust all sorts of settings by hitting buttons it's pretty hard to keep the camera in the exact same position on the tripod.
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