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Don't you think the phone is a bit thin to hide easter eggs in it:confused::confused::confused:

I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not (I don't think so, but its kinda hard to tell on the internet) but an Easter Egg in the software world is a hidden compilation of secrets stuffed inside of your hardware by Apple programmers and engineers. Easter eggs include random jokes, credit screens, or even games that are meant to give the creator a little fame, also adding a personal touch to the product. Here is a website about the Apple ones :)
I remember reading somewhere a while back about how Jobs is opposed to programmers adding their own personal touch [easter eggs] as it makes software less "professional" or immature or something. From what it looks like, as Apple matured as a company, easter eggs don't appear to come up in the later operating systems.
I got some for the Mac OSX

for a cool easter egg go to the terminal and type "emacs" then in the emacs page hold ctrl-x and then type "doctor" and you will have this pychietrist that answers all your questions pretty well for a computer.:apple:
I remember reading somewhere a while back about how Jobs is opposed to programmers adding their own personal touch [easter eggs] as it makes software less "professional" or immature or something. From what it looks like, as Apple matured as a company, easter eggs don't appear to come up in the later operating systems.

I don't think so at all, check out the PC image when networking :)

Safari debug option

go to the terminal and type (without quotes):

"defaults write Include DebugMenu 1"

this will give you a debug menu when you start Safari and it has options such as making websites think your browser is internet explorer or somthing!
to turn it off just type all that stuff again except make the "1" be a "0".

Also type "telnet" in the terminal to see the movie "star wars a new hope played in your terminal using ASCII characters!! its so cool!:D
go to the terminal and type (without quotes):

"defaults write Include DebugMenu 1"

this will give you a debug menu when you start Safari and it has options such as making websites think your browser is internet explorer or somthing!

That's not an Easter egg, its actually useful, and not a Safari-only feature. I used it for example when going to MyHeritage; the site grants you with a "Does not work with Safari" error message, so I change the user agent to Firefox and it all works.
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