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macrumors 601
Original poster
Oct 4, 2003
My mom's old camera fell and broke. It was an HP that came with a photo printer. The photo printer is real nice, and I still use it to print photos from iPhoto -- but the camera was not great. All the pictures came out fuzzy and pixelated, so now I'm looking for a new camera for my mom.

But I don't know much about cameras. I do know that all she needs is a very easy to use point and shoot camera (it doesn't need tons of settings), basically a camera that will auto configure the shot for various types of lighting conditions unbeknownst to her, and hook up to her Mac Mini and iPhoto seamlessly.

I am going to buy her this camera because I just got my first job out of college, so price doesn't matter.

She is very technologically challenged. She barely uses the Mac Mini (just for Gmail on the web and cooking sites in Safari), and she's a bit intimidated by iPhoto. So with that in mind, are there any good, extremely straight-forward point and shoot cameras out there?

Thanks everyone!

Analog Kid

macrumors G3
Mar 4, 2003
I like the FujiFilms. I have an F30 that's just fantastic. It's not the slimmest camera on the market, but it takes good pictures and it's rugged. All metal body and no flimsy knobs to break off-- I treat my cameras pretty roughly when I travel and this has held up like a champ.

Fuji's claim to fame is low light performance which is good for me because I hate using a flash. I recommended it to a friend who was having a baby and it worked out well because he couldn't use a flash in the delivery room...

There's also the F31fd which has a face detection algorithm to assist the autofocus-- I haven't used it so I can't vouch for how reliable it is.

A good resource is

Good luck.


macrumors 65816
Jul 16, 2007
Any Canon digital.

Nikons will also do the trick.

Decide how small you want/need the camera to be, and what price range you're looking at.

Nikon and Cannon will have something--even if it's a few years old--that will do the trick.

If you're ever presented with a difference of 1 megapixel or less, consider them equal and compare other qualities.
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