Does anyone else ever think edge is quicker at night? Past two nights my edge really picks up. Very usable. During the day, it just crawls almost like having no connection. I like it at night.
Data speeds on any cellular network are also affected by voice traffic. Typically voice carries precedence over data, and if there's a lot of voice traffic, there will be less bandwidth available for data usage.
People just use their cell phones less at night, so there's more bandwidth available as usage drops. This is why everyone offers unlimited nights and weekends. it's an incentive to encourage people to talk more when they're otherwise disinclined to do so as much.
People just use their cell phones less at night, so there's more bandwidth available as usage drops. This is why everyone offers unlimited nights and weekends. it's an incentive to encourage people to talk more when they're otherwise disinclined to do so as much.
The less people using it the better it will run, and the data shares with voice. When the I35W bridge collapsed, EDGE was basiclly down because of all the voice traffic. We only really had SMS.
Does anyone else ever think edge is quicker at night? Past two nights my edge really picks up. Very usable. During the day, it just crawls almost like having no connection. I like it at night.