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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 27, 2007
Hi all

Im wondering can you help me everytime i try to use WiFi ie switches to Edge and take all my credit.

Everytime i delete my Edge settings i can an error when i try to connect to Safari i get an error message saying( SAFARI CAN'T OPEN BECAUSE IT CAN'T FIND THE SERVER).

Hi all

Im wondering can you help me everytime i try to use WiFi ie switches to Edge and take all my credit.

Everytime i delete my Edge settings i can an error when i try to connect to Safari i get an error message saying( SAFARI CAN'T OPEN BECAUSE IT CAN'T FIND THE SERVER).


iPhone will use WiFi in preference to EDGE whereever there is a WiFi network that iPhone can log on to. So there should be no need to delete EDGE settings.

Please be clearer about your issue:

1) Do you have wifi at home, and have you successfully logged in to that? (depending on your wiFi security settings) you may need to work at this the first time, but after that it should be automatic.

2) Does the issue only occur when you are using public WiFi? If so, which provider?

3) Is your iPhone unlocked (i'm assuming it is as locked service provider plans have unlimited data over EDGE so otherwise you wouldn't be worried about data use taking credit)?
Yes i do have WiFi at home. The WiFi works when im using it for my laptop!

I have an unlocked phone its from the states but im using it in Ireland!!

i can connect to the WiFi its just when i try to use it it switches to Edge..

Do i need to contact my Internet company and ask them for special settings???

Right sounds like its the security settings on the home wi-fi. Not being there, it's hard to tell, but it sounds like your iPhone can "see" the wi-fi, but is unable to log into it.

Did you set up the Wifi network yourself? If so you shuld be aware of the security settings. If not you'll need to find them out. There are two things that might stop you iPhone logging on to the network. Either or both could be the issue here. The first is that the network is set up to only allow certain machines on to the the network, as identified by their MAC number. Without being there this is the one that I think is most likely. If this is the case, you need to get admin access to your wifi control panel on your router, with the iPhone turned on and active, and change the settings there.

The other thing will be some sort of password protection (WEP, WPA, WPA2). If this is turned on on your netwrok, the first time you tried to use the network you should have had an opportunity to enter the password or key.
Try this. Go to settings then wifi, when at home with your home wifi working. If you can see the the network, press the "forget network" button, then search for a new network, refering to your laptop settings to make sure you are logging on the the right one in the right way.
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