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cocky jeremy

macrumors 604
Original poster
Jul 12, 2008
The spell check/auto correct on the iPhone kills me. No matter how many times i replace what comes up with what i actually want, it still comes up. Is it possible for anyone to make an app where you can edit the auto correct?
Example: When i type "mhm" (to say yes) it comes up as "MGM"
Erm, click the 'x' when the correction appears under the word?

The auto-correction items that are 2-3 letters can't be edited for some reason. No matter how many times you hit the little x the next time it will always return.
I would suggest spelling it mmhmm. My iPhone now has that down.
Even longer words.. i hit the X over and over and over.. same thing. I did try something that worked for a while.. i would hit the X and put * at the end, and then type the same word 2-3 more times, and send the text.. and it would keep it corrected until next time i would restart my phone. I was just hoping maybe someone could make an app that would permanently change words. I wasn't sure if it were even possible, with the rules of the SDK. I thought maybe it'd have to modify something in the system. Anyway, thanks for the replies.
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