I'm still not sure how much detail I want to get into on the forum with the NDA in effect, but here is how I approached editable text fields.
- use custom UITableViewCell with a UITextField as a subview
- override UITableViewCell setSelected: to call makeFirstResponder on the UITextField
- use the view controller viewDidAppear and viewDidDismiss to get the strings from the UITextFields
This is a somewhat different approach than the SQL example, but it works very well for me and requires very little work to implement. That said, I got a few ideas from the example that really helped.
BTW: Offhand, I think you only need the data source methods of UITableView to get the editing functionality.
Yea, I think that method should also work. For my cells, I did the following:
- use custom UITableViewCell with a UITextField as a subview (like you)
- override UITableViewCell willSelectRowAtIndexPath (or something like that) and return -1, so that the actual cell will never be selected
- make sure that the textfield's bounds are the bounds of the tableviewcell, so that any touch on the cell begins the editing for the textfield
Then, I just maintain a reference to the textfield, and use [textField text] to get the value that the user typed in.