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macrumors P6
Original poster
Jun 4, 2003
I've been playing around with editing AIFFs in Sound Studio and had a question I was hoping someone could help me with.

I was trying to take one large AIFF, an hour long continuous track, and split it into 2 30-minute parts. I cut the last half of the AIFF file off, then pasted it into a new file and called it "Part 2". Playing the 2 parts back to back results in the complete track.

I was hoping this would be an easy way to essentially make a seamless trackmarker on an audio CD. As opposed to having 1 long, 60-minute track, I was trying to make a trackmarker of sorts in the middle of the CD for easy scanning.

I then tried burning both parts onto a disc, using DAO, no 2-second gaps, yet even though the AIFF files should run seamlessly into each other, from track 1 to track 2, the disc hiccups for a brief fraction of a second when the second track starts.

I never had a problem doing this before on Windows. Many times I would split up aa long WAV file, then burn the 2 parts onto an audio CD, creating a continuous mix, yet with a nice seamless trackmarker in the middle. The track transition was totally unnoticeable.

Any ideas how I can get rid of this annoying gap of silence? As I said, I am using Sound Studio, and was using Toast Titanium to burn the compilation. I had DAO and 0 second gaps.

Any help would be appreciated!
Because you said you had no problem with Windows doing it.. it rules out my theory.. but I have wanted to do similar things before (cut out gaps between songs) and depending on the player.. sometimes I would still have gaps and sometimes not.. If i pop in a CD in my receiver I always get a slight hiccup.. in my car.. perfect.. so it may have to do with what you are playing it on..
Toast Titanium doesn't burn Red-book CDs, the audio standard, it burns an Orange book that is recognised by most CD players, you might want to look into getting Jam for toast and effecting a short crossfade between an overlapping section in your edit, this is the way a mastering studio would approach the problem, although I believe you can also insert "chapter" type markers into the PQ code of a single track and get the CD to skip to them.

Your skipping is an artifact of the way audio CD players read Orange-book CDs.
i cheat, when i record from my mixer, i just add X number of the 80 minute track into Jam, and set the start/stop times.

that's when im lazy though... but it does seem to be the easiest way. when it's just a song sequence/flow study, then illl just do 5 minutes each track, when it's a real CD i want cut into tracks, ill do the times more precisely...
When you were using sound studio did you create markers and than split by markers to split the file into differint files? Whenever I do this and ues no gaps in toast it works fine. No clicks.
Originally posted by thecow
When you were using sound studio did you create markers and than split by markers to split the file into differint files? Whenever I do this and ues no gaps in toast it works fine. No clicks.

No, actually I didn't. As this was essentially my first time playing around with Sound Studio, I did indeed play around with the markers, thining they might in fact be some sort of trackmarkers (I know, wishful thinking!), but then I figured it was probably just an internal thing to the application. However, what you're saying is if I insert a marker, then split by the markers, this might work? Is there a special command to use for doing this, or do I simply place my marker, then do a manual cut and paste from that position? What if I don't get it quite on the marker? ;)

Anyway, thanks for all the help on this guys, I really appreciate it!
To insera a marker you go to the insert menu and click insert marker or press comand-m. This will make a littie red line on the waveform where the black playback line is. You can drag it around to exaclty were you want it. Once you have all of the markers where you want them you go to edit, split by markers. You can select a folder where the tracks will be saved. It is better if you select add numeric prefix to file names so toast puts them in the right order. Once the tracks are split open up the folder where you saved the tracks and there should be individual files for each of them. Drag the tracks into toast and burn.
Originally posted by thecow
To insera a marker you go to the insert menu and click insert marker or press comand-m. This will make a littie red line on the waveform where the black playback line is. You can drag it around to exaclty were you want it. Once you have all of the markers where you want them you go to edit, split by markers. You can select a folder where the tracks will be saved. It is better if you select add numeric prefix to file names so toast puts them in the right order. Once the tracks are split open up the folder where you saved the tracks and there should be individual files for each of them. Drag the tracks into toast and burn.

Thanks a lot, I'll give it a try this weekend and let you know how it turns out!

Thanks again to everyone for their advice - it never ceases to amaze me the amount of knowledge that the members of MacRumors have on such varied and diverse topics . :cool:
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