Just a warning.
If you open a photo in your Photos library in iOS 8, and then edit it in photos, and then subsequently post it to Flickr, email it, etc, you'll find that Photos stripped much of the metadata. So you lose geolocation metadata, shooting info, etc etc and are left with almost nothing. You can revert, and lose your edits, but at least you'll have your metadata back.
When I tried the same thing with Snapseed, and saved to the Photos library, it didn't strip the info. So although I like the Photos editing features, erasing your metadata without warning isn't a "feature" that wows me.
I looked for some setting that could enable/disable such a ridiculous process, but couldn't find anything. And since I only tested Photos and Snapseed, I'd recommend you check photos before doing a big batch of something lest you get an unpleasant surprise.
If you open a photo in your Photos library in iOS 8, and then edit it in photos, and then subsequently post it to Flickr, email it, etc, you'll find that Photos stripped much of the metadata. So you lose geolocation metadata, shooting info, etc etc and are left with almost nothing. You can revert, and lose your edits, but at least you'll have your metadata back.
When I tried the same thing with Snapseed, and saved to the Photos library, it didn't strip the info. So although I like the Photos editing features, erasing your metadata without warning isn't a "feature" that wows me.
I looked for some setting that could enable/disable such a ridiculous process, but couldn't find anything. And since I only tested Photos and Snapseed, I'd recommend you check photos before doing a big batch of something lest you get an unpleasant surprise.