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macrumors 604
Original poster
With my current XT/350D body, here's my current lens line up:

  • EF-S 18-55 kit (which I'm actually pretty happy with, really)
  • EF 50 f/1.8
  • EF 70-200 f/4 L
  • EF 1.4x TC for the L glass
  • And the just-ordered EF-S 10-22

So, at this point, I'm wondering (not that anything will be done for months, if this year at all) whether I should keep adding glass, or my much jonesed-for 40D gets moved up on the next-to-buy list.

The only other lens I'm looking at is a macro (60-100mm), but a little doubtful as to the use it would get, since the others actually get some halfway decent macro shots, at least as far as my current skill & interests take me.

Other accessories are pretty well covered, I am really missing nothing else (tripod, flash, bag, remote, other goodies), so it's down to more new glass or replacing a two year old body. The XT was free, so it's not like I'm throwing good money away, plus it's a nice spare body, and at around 5000 or so actuations, give or take. The XTi/XSi are not a consideration, as I want to go back to a full-size (not frame) body on a regular basis (the Rebels are just barely large enough for my paws). 5D/1Ds are not in the realm of a snowball's chance, either.

Given these conditions, would you look at more glass, or jump to a new body next (considering any glass if not macro I get would be near or possibly above the cost of a 40D body only, depending on my mood)?


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
You have pretty much all the focal lengths covered. As I see it, you can:

1. Upgrade the camera body (40D?)
2. Sell/upgrade the glass (70-200 f/4 can be sold for the f/2.8)
3. Get some sweet primes (135mm f/2, 35mm)
4. Go macro
5. Get accessories (lighting, tripod, flash cards, etc.)

The quality of the photos won't be noticeably different with a 40D but the ease of taking them might be. Getting better glass (upgrading or adding primes) would be the quickest way to get better images. The 135mm f/2 is sooooo smooth. Highly recommended!


macrumors 68000
Nov 16, 2006
New York City
You have pretty much all the focal lengths covered. As I see it, you can:

1. Upgrade the camera body (40D?)
2. Sell/upgrade the glass (70-200 f/4 can be sold for the f/2.8)
3. Get some sweet primes (135mm f/2, 35mm)
4. Go macro
5. Get accessories (lighting, tripod, flash cards, etc.)

The quality of the photos won't be noticeably different with a 40D but the ease of taking them might be. Getting better glass (upgrading or adding primes) would be the quickest way to get better images. The 135mm f/2 is sooooo smooth. Highly recommended!

Honestly, I am a big supporter of glass first, but I found when moving from an XT up, with the same lenses; I got much better pictures. Better dynamic range, better noise at high (and low) ISO, faster operation so I can catch action pics; etc.

I think a body would be your next logical step. If you like the rebel series, consider the XSi; especially with its new 18-55 IS lens (supposedly very sharp). If you would like to try a step up, can't go wrong with a 40d at rebate pricing.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 4, 2008
Stuttgart, Germany
If you are happy with the 'kit' lens, then the 40D body would be a logical next step for you - the performance, burst rate, image quality and build all exceed your current body.

However, even though you say you're happy with the kit lens, have you looked at the EF-S 17-55 f2.8?

I have that on my 30D as my main 'walk around' lens, and the quality is simply staggering. It knocks spots off the kit lens (and it should, given the price!) with a constant 2.8 and image stabilisation too.

Funnily enough, my 'kit' kind of mirrors yours (70-200 f4L, 'nifty fifty' and the EF-S 17-55) and I'm looking at the EF-S 10-22 a my next lens.

If you like the quality of the 10-22, you will be extremely happy with the 17-55, and - at UK prices - it's somewhat the same price as a 40D body!


macrumors 68000
Nov 18, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
Since you're getting an ultra wide I would take a look at the 24-70 or the 24-105 or the 17-55 to replace your 18-55 if you're still happy with the XT.


macrumors 604
Original poster
have you looked at the EF-S 17-55 f2.8?

I would take a look at the 24-70 or the 24-105 or the 17-55 to replace your 18-55

Hmmm, two independent calls for the 17-55...

You're right, it's an attractive lens, and one I may ultimately add to the kit. Couple things, though. Once I start replacing existing lenses, I"m not significantly furthering my range (but getting significantly deeper within it, to be sure!), and somehow, to me, anything over $1000 US should have a red ring on it. ;)

Mind you, this is all 5:45am gut reaction. :eek: Since it'll be Xmas or later before the next investment is made, I have plenty of time to consider it,eh?


macrumors 604
Original poster
My mail person just delivered the lens to me today (Yaaay!), along with the EF-83 hood I ordered separately. Perfect timing!

I'm off to Pittsburgh for a week tomorrow, and don't have room (or time) to take it along :mad:.

Nonetheless, I ran out to the back yard to take some quickies; I already love this lens!


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macrumors 68000
Feb 12, 2005
Caracas, Venezuela
EF-S 10-22 on the way. What next?

I suggest taking a couple thousand pics and see where that takes you. ;)

Personally, I'd upgrade the body, seeing that the 40D feels a lot better in your hands and you've already got good glass. The extra options, bigger and brighter viewfinder and better AF will definitely help you take better shots.


macrumors newbie
Jun 1, 2008
some things to consider:

canon 17-40 (replace kit)
tamron 17-50 (replace kit)
100mm macro
canon 30d

i would say chuck the kit and upgrade to either the canon or tamron.

the 30d which i use is great. i see no reason to upgrade to a 40d (for me). the live view which everyone was waiting for sucks. cumbersome to use and just not practical. you can get the 30d save a lil cash and maybe start saving for the next lens. 30d is a great cam

someone mentioned it already, but i would also look into some primes. the 85 1.8 is sweet. i dont know what you shoot though, i might have read your post too fast.


macrumors 604
Original poster
some things to consider:

canon 17-40 (replace kit)
tamron 17-50 (replace kit)
100mm macro
canon 30d

i would say chuck the kit and upgrade to either the canon or tamron.

the 30d which i use is great. i see no reason to upgrade to a 40d (for me). the live view which everyone was waiting for sucks. cumbersome to use and just not practical. you can get the 30d save a lil cash and maybe start saving for the next lens. 30d is a great cam

someone mentioned it already, but i would also look into some primes. the 85 1.8 is sweet. i dont know what you shoot though, i might have read your post too fast.

Some good suggestions there, the macro is probably what I'd do for a next lens. The kit 18-55 really isn't that bad, albeit a bit slow, so I can hold of on a lens replacement for a while.

The 30d has crossed my mind, I may have to do another comparo between the 30 & 40. Live View qualifies as a bell and/or whistle, I could care less, but some of the other improvements are substantial. The sensor cleaning is actually very attractive, as is the fps rate, and hey, a few more MP doesn't hurt. IIRC, the 40d is a bit better than the 30d at higher ISO's, but once again, I'll have to re-look at them side by side.

Oh, and I managed to fit the 10-22 in the bag with the body, so I"ll have to try for some shots this week while I'm here. Pittsburgh is too great of a city, photographically speaking, to pass up.


macrumors newbie
Jun 1, 2008
live view on the 40d sucks. big time. it is cumbersome and just not practical because of the way that it is set up. im telling you, its a nightmare.

30d does well in higher iso. iso 1600 even. i've never really shot at iso 3200. but to be brutally honest you dont shoot at that high iso without at least expecting noise. i mean iso 1600 is not exactly iso 100. but with the 30d i have had some great results at 1600 i can dig up some old pics if necessary.

obviously its your decision, not ours. good luck. either way i just hope you get a camera so you can continue to shoot and share photos. i dont think you can go wrong with either camera choice as they are incredible bodies.

again, good luck, looking forward to your decision when the time comes.
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