If i jailbreak and afterwards restore it, then will the jailbreaking leave any mark to the phone or be like when i took it out of the box?
Thanks in advance!
There's a reason it's called Jail*BREAK*. Just leave it and use it the way it is. Do you really want to install stuff not knowing if it's going to harm your iPhone or not? I would suggest getting an iPod touch and jailbreaking that as an experimental device and keep your iPhone in good condition.
It is not the reason why it is called jailbreak...
They need MacRumors for Kids, so they can move all your posts there.
There's a reason it's called Jail*BREAK*. Just leave it and use it the way it is. Do you really want to install stuff not knowing if it's going to harm your iPhone or not? I would suggest getting an iPod touch and jailbreaking that as an experimental device and keep your iPhone in good condition.
That's a little silly. Actually, that's a lot silly. The days of bricking hardware are long gone.
And those were good days. I remember those days... Terminal-based iPhone activation, non-GUI proto-jailbreaking... Ahh...
OP, use PwnageTool and just do it. Restore if you need to take it to Apple, and read any guide available on the Internet. Starting with the guides here, of course.
Oh, and keep it civil, you two. *stern look*
I have been trying to stick to the point, but the kid can't help himself but resorting to childish insults.
I have been trying to stick to the point, but the kid can't help himself but resorting to childish insults.
I'm no kid.
There's a reason it's called Jail*BREAK*. Just leave it and use it the way it is. Do you really want to install stuff not knowing if it's going to harm your iPhone or not? I would suggest getting an iPod touch and jailbreaking that as an experimental device and keep your iPhone in good condition.
Just one bit of advice. There are a few things that can be left over from jailbreaking if you're not careful.
For example, I was using numeric battery with SBSettings while jailbroken. If you back up with this enabled, that tweak will be saved in your backup even if you restore. I was at the Apple store to get a replacement last night and noticed it at the last minute. A quick tap saved me from getting turned away.
I could have re-jailbroken, installed SBSettings, turned it off and re-restored. But I had completely missed it until I got to the store.
You can always avoid this by doing a DFU restore instead of a normal restore. The latter may leave traces, the former never will.
Actually it has nothing to do with the restore. Even if I DFU restore it, that remnant is going to be reloaded to the phone from the backup that I'm restoring to. Now setting up as a new phone is a different story.