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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 1, 2005
I haven't gotten the chance to use the lens for anything artistic, been too busy. But I used it to shoot my new dorm room, so here's what came out.
Yeah, when we got there, the girls' lacrosse team swarmed the van and asked if they could help. They moved all my stuff up to my room (on the second floor, around the corner, up steps) in less than 20 minutes! I barely had to carry anything!

Not much to talk about, well too much, but anyway..
Oh, something to note: the rooms are not carpeted- I had to bring that carpet you see in the picture.. It makes the room SO much nicer, everyone around us is jealous, haha.
Also, it took all day in between orientation sessions to get the room finished and set up. We got done around midnight.

Here's the view from the door when you come in. My computer is on the left, Miles' (my roommate/best friend) is on the right. (He's running a dual G5, FYI, and I'm on that iMac I listed in my sig) Oh, and he has a digital projector that we use to watch movies/play video games/use as an extra monitor.

Here's the view from the opposite side.

If you turn around, you will see this, the sink/closet area.

To the left in the sink/closet area is the bathroom:

Here's our beds and my drawing table.

Here's the old Bondi Blue G3 iMac I brought that is loaded with old games like Oregon Trail, Sim City 2000, and Carmen San Diego.

Here's two shots of Miles' workspace.

Here's my workspace.

Here's an Indian named Tumbleweed that we hung from the ceiling.

And here's Andy, my friend I've known for like, I think three years online, over at this one art forum I frequent. It was pretty cool/random that he ended up here; I've never met him in person, since he lives in Texas and I'm in Georgia. We met up tonight at the Scholars Banquet, and then he and Daniel and Sam came over to hang out.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 19, 2005
Looks like an old motel 6 room, creepy front windows and all.

But it is Huge, must be twice the size of my freshman room.


macrumors 601
Mar 29, 2004
Boston, MA
seenew said:
.........................Yeah, when we got there, the girls' lacrosse team swarmed the van and asked if they could help. They moved all my stuff up to my room (on the second floor, around the corner, up steps) in less than 20 minutes! I barely had to carry anything!

the girls' lacrosse team carries your stuff and you give us pics of your dorm room including your toilet bowl?!!!?:eek:

thank you very much. :( where are the girl's pics?


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 1, 2005
andiwm2003 said:
the girls' lacrosse team carries your stuff and you give us pics of your dorm room including your toilet bowl?!!!?:eek:

thank you very much. :( where are the girl's pics?

They weren't hot. ;)

Bibulous: Actually, it is a renovated hotel from the 70's. :D
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