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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 13, 2004
Egg have reduced their Apple cashback offer from 10% to 5% - damn, just before the MWSF announcements as well. Do they read MacRumors?
stevep said:
Egg have reduced their Apple cashback offer from 10% to 5% - damn, just before the MWSF announcements as well. Do they read MacRumors?

It was a bit of a good deal wasn't it? I guess the idea snowballed - applying for a credit card takes very little effort and after a while they must have started losing money.
I've just emailed them to express my disappointment. Now if everyone does, maybe.......??? Or maybe not.
Nooooooooooooo!! That really sucks :(

Oh well, I suppose 5% is still *some* cash back.

Glad I got the 10% off my iMac purchase a couple of months ago!
i think that they changed it since christmas

in the early december they even gave away additional 2% cashback
it was a 10% + 2% cashback... v tempting

i guess they are losing money on Apple Store, because obviously all other cashback deals with other online retailers remain unchanged
Noooo, i didn't even know they did this. I bought my monitor on my egg card about a month ago. Do you think i can still apply for cashback?
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! *wails* :(

And I had the chance to buy an iMac (iSight) when they were launched but i thought "No, I'll wait and see what happens at MWSF". Ah well at least I still get some nice high tech goodies from Apple! sure was nice. Still get my edu discount though. phew *wipes brow*
I got in there just over a month ago for my 20" G5 w/isight. Phew.....
I thought that deal was too good to last....

I managed to pick up an Apple bluetooth keyboard from PCWorld yesterday for £31 which cheers me up a bit.

I was wondering whether to flog off my final PC and get one of these Intel MAC Minis come January using my Egg card.....Hmmm I'll have to think an extra few seconds now :)
majorp said:
Noooo, i didn't even know they did this. I bought my monitor on my egg card about a month ago. Do you think i can still apply for cashback?
If you bought it on-line from the Apple website using your Egg Money card (other egg cards don't count) then your Egg a/c would have automatically been credited with the cash-back within a day or so. Any other methood of purchase doesn't count and there is no way to "apply for cashback".
Zoowatch said:
i think that they changed it since christmas

in the early december they even gave away additional 2% cashback
it was a 10% + 2% cashback... v tempting

i guess they are losing money on Apple Store, because obviously all other cashback deals with other online retailers remain unchanged

Looks like a few of the other deals have got less interesting too now.

Currys down from 10 to 5%.
Virgin Wine down from 20 to 10%

Although I don't remember having 20% before so maybe they've increased? Not much comfort though. :mad:
Don't forget to read all the terms and conditions. Especially those regarding the maximum amount of cashback available in a period. I haven't checked the T&C today but there was a limit when I looked previously.
As with any CC promotion make the decision yourself based on reading all the information. Do not blindly take the advice of others.
petej said:
Don't forget to read all the terms and conditions. Especially those regarding the maximum amount of cashback available in a period. I haven't checked the T&C today but there was a limit when I looked previously.

There was a limit of £200 for regular (1% on all purchases) cashback but the dealer offers (including Apple) had no limits.
I didn't know this, thnx for the heads up. :D

With my educational discount and this, I should be saving around £200 on my new Intel Powerbook.
I didn't know this either - good heads up. Just hopped over to their site to apply for an Egg Money card.

Also of note is that you get 1% cashback on all spending on the Egg Money card anyway (in addition to the money off Apple offer). So all in all still a reasonable deal. Just a shame to miss it when it was 10% :)
Hmmm, the Apple cashback offer is now mysteriously missing from Egg's site. I started from the above link which I had bookmarked and looked everywhere.

Bummer, but I went to the main Apple Store site and ordered a refurb 20" Intel iMac anyway and paid with my Egg card. Here's hoping Apple can supply the iMac (gotta wait til the morning to find out as it was an evening purchase) and Egg give me a bit of cashback too.
deebster said:
Hmmm, the Apple cashback offer is now mysteriously missing from Egg's site. I started from the above link which I had bookmarked and looked everywhere.

Bummer, but I went to the main Apple Store site and ordered a refurb 20" Intel iMac anyway and paid with my Egg card. Here's hoping Apple can supply the iMac (gotta wait til the morning to find out as it was an evening purchase) and Egg give me a bit of cashback too.

Thats strange, it was certainly showing when I placed my order for a 17" Macbook Pro on the 26th April, not sure if it was showing on the 6th of May when I was charged - I think I will email them to confirm.
deebster said:
Hmmm, the Apple cashback offer is now mysteriously missing from Egg's site. I started from the above link which I had bookmarked and looked everywhere.

Bummer, but I went to the main Apple Store site and ordered a refurb 20" Intel iMac anyway and paid with my Egg card. Here's hoping Apple can supply the iMac (gotta wait til the morning to find out as it was an evening purchase) and Egg give me a bit of cashback too.

Oh dear me. Now I can think of no reason to keep my Egg Money card.. I can get 3% back through my Quidco account but still not as convenient as Egg card. B*gger.
I just emailed them and will let you know what they say.

/crosses everything and waits/



w00t, exactly 30 minutes after I got the initial order email, Apple sent me a confirmation one. Not bad at 9pm.

Now come one Egg, your turn...
deebster said:
I just emailed them and will let you know what they say.

/crosses everything and waits/


I'm not sure if the cashback T&C's changed as well, as I'm not sure it used to say you had to order via the link on the egg page to get the cashback as I entered the site via the NUS website in order to get my student discount.
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