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Original poster
Jul 3, 2011
Happy Jack, AZ
I have become more and more frustrated with the macOS Mail client. Currently running Catalina (10.15.5), but this issue has been growing worse over time. About half of the time, the Mail client appears to be running, but not "accepting" new mail. In fact, the client has stalled and I have to force quit it and relaunch to even get new mail. I have multiple email accounts (gmail, and G-Suite hosted private domain accounts, along with a couple of email accounts).

Back in the day, I used Eudora... loved that client until the day that is shut down. I've tried some of the other clients (Spark, Airmail, Outlook) and find them all flakey in one respect or another... I just want an email client that works, isn't doing nefarious things behind the scenes (yeah, I know - ironic, given that I use gmail)... I am not opposed to paying for something, as long as the price is not tantamount to robbery... and would definitely prefer a one-time purchase vs monthly shakedown via subscription.

Thoughts? What is everyone using?
I am happy with macOS Mail as my primary e-mail client.

Why not try freeware Thunderbird a try? It's been around for a while, tracing back its lineage to the mid-Nineties Netscape Communicator.

Frankly, it sounds like A.) your user account is damaged (which is why macOS Mail is faulty), and/or B.) your entire macOS installation is damaged.

I suggest you create a new user account and try configuring macOS Mail on that. If it works fine (as it does on my Mac), then you likely have a damaged user account.
I have no technical issues with Mail, just getting tired of the lack of features in updates. Simple stuff like "send later" and better way to manage important emails, better support for attachments, etc.

I keep going back and forth between Mail and Outlook. Mail uses fewer resources and seems to be better optimized, which is important for me if working remotely (not much these days). Outlook has more features, but forces me to use the integrated contact and calendar. It's not as compatible as macOS's native solutions, in my opinion.
I am using Thunderbird on Windows and Apple Mail on Mac - and I sometimes use Thunderbird when I want to do something that Thunderbird can and Apple Mail can't. I'm disappointed in Thunderbird but they got spun off from Mozilla a long time ago and I'd guess that funding is an issue.
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