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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 29, 2018

I work for a public library and we have been taking green screen pictures of patrons for special events (using Green Screen by Do Ink) which we then email to them.

We are looking for a solution that would allow people to opt-in to receiving emails from the library about future events.

Our current process is that we take the photo. We share the photo via email and have the patron type in their email address into the email app.

A staff member with a clipboard then asks them if we can use the images on our social media, and if they would like to receive emails from us in the future and makes a note of their email and consent.

I am looking for a solution to eliminate the need for a person to stand next to them and record their answers/email address.

What we envision is that the patron would see their photo, type in their email, say yes or no to being on social media and/or getting news from us, and click send to send the photo to their email address.

Can anyone think of any way to do this?

Thank you very much!
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