I'm considering buying a new sewing machine, and I'm interested in a combination sewing/embroidering model (the Brother LB6770 PRW - Project Runway Limited Edition). However, I don't know if there is any point in buying an embroidery model (and spending the extra cash) if I can't use it with my Mac.
The two most critical things when talking about embroidery machines and Macs are (1.) transfering designs to the machine and (2.) digitizing designs.
(1.) Many embroidery machines require special card boxes which drivers might become an issue. I'd suggest to look into machines supporting USB memory sticks, e. g. Janome's newer machines.
If you want to use existing designs, a Mac and e. g. the Janome MC350E work like a charm: To view and search for designs with Mac OS X you can use these two plugins: StitchBuddy-QL shows designs as icons in the Finder and allows a preview and StitchBuddy-MD enables Spotlight to search for designs based on their size or number of colors. Both plugins support JEF, SEW, PES, EXP, DST and VP3 embroideries and can be downloaded and used for free at
StitchBuddy's website.
If you want to print designs, change their colors or convert the mentioned formats e. g. into JEF embroideries to be stitched with a Janome, one solution might be StitchBuddy itself, but there are others (MacEmb).
(2.) For digitizing / punching embroideries, the only Mac based digitizers I read about are MacStitch and Punto's EmbWizard family, both located in the professional segment: much more features and much more expensive ... I don't know them myself.
So if your using an Intel-Based Mac and want to digitize designs, I'd suggest to run a MS Windows installation either in a virtual box (Parallels Desktop or VMware Fusion) or on a Bootcamp partition. The second solution requires a reboot to use Windows, the first one an additional license. Then have a look at Embird or any Windows-based software.
I can't believe I just recommended Windows ... :

... but again: for downloading, converting and stitching embroideries, Mac OS X is absolutely sufficient: My wife uses her Apple G4 iBook with a Janome MC350E for 1.5 year and had never touched Windows.
HTH, Matthias