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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 4, 2014
Lyons, KS
Hi all. I dug my Dual 1.25 MDD out of the closet. I missed it terribly. Anyway, after having it powered on for 15 minutes, I noticed the temps creeping up toward 55°C and soon realized I didn't have CHUD Tools installed. So, I installed version 3.5.2, and then tried installing the Enable Nap script (separate download). Long story short, the script is broken under Leopard, so I wrote a new script that works. I felt I should share it in case someone else has the same issue. You may have to set up permissions and make it executable on your system. And, you'll probably want to make sure it opens via Terminal. Right-click, or Control-Click, then choose Open With > Other... > Terminal, and click the "Always Open With" checkbox, then click Open.

Disclaimer: Although there is nothing malicious in this script, there is a nearly impossible chance that using this script will make your computer explode. I am not responsible for any damage caused by such a catastrophic and unlikely event. Use at your own risk.

Mods: If this kind of stuff isn't allowed to be shared, please delete.

Download Enable Nap Script (Dropbox)

UPDATE: I used an app called Platypus to wrap an application around the Applescript. Therefore, users shouldn't need to worry about making sure the script is set to run properly with the proper application.

Enable Nap Leopard (Dropbox)
Last edited:


Sep 3, 2016
I had no idea that CHUD even existed. Im going to play with this tomorrow for sure. Thanks for the script as the G4 Im going to play with while running tiger will soon have Leopard as well. :)


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 4, 2014
Lyons, KS
For 10.5, you'll want version CHUD Tools version 3.5.2. A Google search should find you a download link. If you have trouble with the script, let me know. I forgot to add that I moved this script into the Applications folder and have it set to run at startup. You'll see a Terminal window open, followed by System Preferences. Once the checkbox is selected, everything closes. There may be a way to hide both windows as the script runs, but I didn't research any method to do so. I may check into that and post an update.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 21, 2015
(UTC-05:00) Cuba
FYI: There was a little program that is intended to fix sleep issues. But it seems the programmer has closed shop, this might be a good alternative.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 4, 2014
Lyons, KS
This script doesn't fix sleep issues per se. Instead, it enables a sort of on-demand power state that allows the MDD's dual CPUs to run cooler under lighter loads. With Nap Mode enabled the CPU temps stay around 40°C. Without it enabled, the temps rise to around 55°C on my MDD. This is a companion script to CHUD tools; the script accompanied with the CHUD tools download is broken under Leopard. With CHUD tools, a new System Preferences pane is added called "Hardware." Under that pane, you have the option to enable Nap Mode. Unfortunately, System Preferences doesn't remember the checkbox state after shutdown, so you have to enable Nap Mode again after next boot. This script handles that task automatically. Supposedly, Nap Mode does not adversely affect the processing speed of one's Mac.
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