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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 6, 2007
Aberdeenshire, Scotland
  • SSH into your iphone
  • Go to /System/Library/CoreServices/
  • Download the file M68AP.plist
  • Open the file using a text editor or a plist editor
  • Add a Boolean value under the capabilities dictionary
  • Boolean Key = video-camera / Boolean Value = true
  • Save and upload the file to the same directory that it was originally in
  • Go onto the iPhone and respring Done!

Sadly you can't do normal photos or take videos however anyone got an idea how we could make it possible?
Great Job, hands work!

I hope you find a way to do that..maybe put some video codec in the right place...We hope you find a way..TKS a lot for your suggestion...


it would be nice if we could figure this out. Has anyone seen a way to activate or enable the other 3.0 features for a 3g? I would like to use the voice commands and a few other features that apparently work only on the 3gs. I imagine most of it is command line.

Perhaps this is a ? for the DEV team, but I have only seen snipets about this. So Dev team... is there a way to fool the 3.0 software install to thinking your 3g is a 3gs and all the features would be active????? I imagine the hardware limitations would prevent some from working, but hopefully others would work fine.
Maybe we are going about this wrong, this is just for video. What we need is a decrypted iPhone2,1 ipsw file that we can pull its equivalent (can't remember revision #s) M68AP.plist from and add it here, along with its camera and if there is one, voice control apps. Any thoughts?
I thought I saw screenshots of video recorders on some developer seeds of 3.0. Since this was before the 3Gs was released, they had to be on a 3G. Did the video work then? If so, maybe a way to package that app or enable it could be found.

I'm more interested in voice control though. I don't have a problem with Cycorder.
it would be nice if we could figure this out. Has anyone seen a way to activate or enable the other 3.0 features for a 3g? I would like to use the voice commands and a few other features that apparently work only on the 3gs. I imagine most of it is command line.

Perhaps this is a ? for the DEV team, but I have only seen snipets about this. So Dev team... is there a way to fool the 3.0 software install to thinking your 3g is a 3gs and all the features would be active????? I imagine the hardware limitations would prevent some from working, but hopefully others would work fine.

I am sure that within a few weeks to a few months, after the unlock comes out, we would see a Voice Control hack. As for video recording, Cycorder already does a superb job at allowing me to create videos from both a first generation iPhone and a 3G.
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