1 "Put the computer to sleep when it is inactive for.."
2 "Put display to sleep after..."
3 "Put Hard Disks to sleep when possible..."
I'm guessing that #1 won't spin down the Hard Disks unless #3 is checked? Is that right?
I'm also guessing that if I'm downloading a file or securely deleting the trash my iMac won't go to sleep? The reason I ask is because it seems like if I'm deleting the trash and my display goes to sleep, when I come back to the computer i really don't see any progress.
What options do you guys typically use? I keep my iMac on 24/7, but didn't know about the first sleep option.
2 "Put display to sleep after..."
3 "Put Hard Disks to sleep when possible..."
I'm guessing that #1 won't spin down the Hard Disks unless #3 is checked? Is that right?
I'm also guessing that if I'm downloading a file or securely deleting the trash my iMac won't go to sleep? The reason I ask is because it seems like if I'm deleting the trash and my display goes to sleep, when I come back to the computer i really don't see any progress.
What options do you guys typically use? I keep my iMac on 24/7, but didn't know about the first sleep option.