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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 12, 2008
Oh my gosh! It is so hard to get past level 5. i don't know for you guys, but it's been driving me nuts.

but this game is quite addicting. has anyone had a hard passing level 5 or have any tips?
Well I made it to level 7, but it's taken a lot of time and trying different things. The game is fun, but can get frustratingly difficult as you progress.
Yeah, there's a 'cheat' on the Enigmo information page in the app store, that's how I got through that stage. There are a few others on there too, just click through the images. I would put it here, but I don't know how to.
Level 5 is not all that bad. You just have to get the water to pass through all 3 hoops. Level 8 really stumps me so far. I am trying not to use any cheats/hints and trying to figure them out. Its all about trial and error really.

My only problem is I can hardly ever solve it in time to get any points.
Level 5 is not all that bad. You just have to get the water to pass through all 3 hoops. Level 8 really stumps me so far. I am trying not to use any cheats/hints and trying to figure them out. Its all about trial and error really.

My only problem is I can hardly ever solve it in time to get any points.

Haha yeah I believe Im on level 8 too, very hard. I cant believe there are 50 of these levels.
Oh my gosh! It is so hard to get past level 5. i don't know for you guys, but it's been driving me nuts.

but this game is quite addicting. has anyone had a hard passing level 5 or have any tips?

I agree! I can't get past level 5 either. How do you get all the droplets through each hole and then down the funnel at the same time????????
I agree! I can't get past level 5 either. How do you get all the droplets through each hole and then down the funnel at the same time????????

This took me some time. You have to use the one tool to get it to go through the green. Then under the green use the other tool to bounce up through the red and down through the yellow then they will fall in the funnel.

I'm on level 9 right now. Level 8 takes some time--and luck.
i got passed level 5 right before sleeping. it took me all day to figure that out. but now, i'm really stumped on level 8.
I'm surprised not more people have played this before, enigmo has been around for years and enigmo 2 has been around for a long time too!
Its nice on the iPhone, though I've so far found myself wizzing through it as can remember them from when I first played it, so I just revert back to monkey ball.
I'm surprised so many are finding the early levels so hard though, there are quite a few ways to do most of them, just carefully consider what tools you have.
The two puzzle pieces/tools are not the same. If you zoom in, you'll see that the red one is a spring. Use that to bounce the water drops much higher than the purple tool.
I actually found between 8 - 15 harder (13 had me for a week!) than 16 - 30! Now stuck on 35!

Does anyone know how many levels there are?
I believe there are 50 levels and if you search the forums theres a thread showing screengrabs of how to pass each stage if you get really stuck.

I'm currently trying to figure out stage 31 without cheating.
level 24 no cheating

I do about 3 levels a day :)

I'm no genious but these levels are not as complicated as I thought they would be. If you really want a really challenging game then download pegjump. I have only been able to solve it once in like 50 tries LOL.
Thinkers game

Did anyone go through the "thinkers game" game file ? I'm stuck at level 12 and it frankly seems impossible. Still I saw the following 8 levels are designed. This i frustrating. Please help
Did anyone go through the "thinkers game" game file ? I'm stuck at level 12 and it frankly seems impossible. Still I saw the following 8 levels are designed. This i frustrating. Please help

I'm stuck on Lvl6 of Thinkers Game.
its a hard game but there are level solutions out there... just google it if you get stuck.

its an old game that got ported over to the iPhone.
I was up to level 38 or 39 and somewhere along the line, i lost my backup to this game. Not sure if it was an update to the game or if it was from a restore to the phone. Since then, i haven't gotten back into it. It's a great game though.
Stuck on level 26. can't find a cheat. help!~

i really can't figure this one out. has anyone yet?
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