Level 5 is not all that bad. You just have to get the water to pass through all 3 hoops. Level 8 really stumps me so far. I am trying not to use any cheats/hints and trying to figure them out. Its all about trial and error really.
My only problem is I can hardly ever solve it in time to get any points.
Oh my gosh! It is so hard to get past level 5. i don't know for you guys, but it's been driving me nuts.
but this game is quite addicting. has anyone had a hard passing level 5 or have any tips?
I agree! I can't get past level 5 either. How do you get all the droplets through each hole and then down the funnel at the same time????????
I believe there are 50 levels and if you search the forums theres a thread showing screengrabs of how to pass each stage if you get really stuck.
I'm currently trying to figure out stage 31 without cheating.
Did anyone go through the "thinkers game" game file ? I'm stuck at level 12 and it frankly seems impossible. Still I saw the following 8 levels are designed. This i frustrating. Please help