my organisation has both types of accounts. 99$ (dev) and 299$ (enterprise)
I was under the impression that, if i want to send build to somebody other than my company (or sister concern of my company) people , i should use dev (99$) account. But i saw that in one project, they used enterprise account (299$) to send build to the customers. I immediately stopped that, but that initiated a high pitched debate, as existing people thought what they did was no wrong.
is there a comprehensive guide ? what could be the repercussions and possible risks ?
Surprising, after 8 years of iOs existence, the build provisioning techniques raise so much debates.
thanks in advance
I was under the impression that, if i want to send build to somebody other than my company (or sister concern of my company) people , i should use dev (99$) account. But i saw that in one project, they used enterprise account (299$) to send build to the customers. I immediately stopped that, but that initiated a high pitched debate, as existing people thought what they did was no wrong.
is there a comprehensive guide ? what could be the repercussions and possible risks ?
Surprising, after 8 years of iOs existence, the build provisioning techniques raise so much debates.
thanks in advance