Goodevening Ladies and Gentlemen. How is everybody? I am very well, except for one problem..I'm pretty new to Macs, dvd ripping..., and have just tried to rip my first dvd using a free copy of Toast I got from MacFormat magazine. I managed to copy from the dvd with the film on and got as far as 4/5's the way to copying it onto a dvd-r, when Toast informed me of an error which resulted in the dvd being incompletely finished.
Does anyone know why this is? Is this a copyright protection thing I don't know about? A Toast thing? or is my computer simply being a dick?! Are there any other/better programmes already installed on my g4 superdrive powerbook with os x 10.3.3 panther??
If there's anyone who can and is willing to send me any helpful advice, I'd be extremely grateful.
and in the future, when I'm a brilliant applemac wizard, I'd like to return the favour.
Does anyone know why this is? Is this a copyright protection thing I don't know about? A Toast thing? or is my computer simply being a dick?! Are there any other/better programmes already installed on my g4 superdrive powerbook with os x 10.3.3 panther??
If there's anyone who can and is willing to send me any helpful advice, I'd be extremely grateful.
and in the future, when I'm a brilliant applemac wizard, I'd like to return the favour.