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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 7, 2004
Guernsey, Channel Islands
Goodevening Ladies and Gentlemen. How is everybody? I am very well, except for one problem..I'm pretty new to Macs, dvd ripping..., and have just tried to rip my first dvd using a free copy of Toast I got from MacFormat magazine. I managed to copy from the dvd with the film on and got as far as 4/5's the way to copying it onto a dvd-r, when Toast informed me of an error which resulted in the dvd being incompletely finished.
Does anyone know why this is? Is this a copyright protection thing I don't know about? A Toast thing? or is my computer simply being a dick?! Are there any other/better programmes already installed on my g4 superdrive powerbook with os x 10.3.3 panther??
If there's anyone who can and is willing to send me any helpful advice, I'd be extremely grateful.

and in the future, when I'm a brilliant applemac wizard, I'd like to return the favour.

Are you trying to copy a commercial (copy protected DVD) or a DVD your best friend made you with family video on it?

If it's a commercial DVD the problem could be either (or both) that it's copy protected or that it's bigger than 4.2 gig.

If it's family video... ... ... .... I'll assume the former since I got nothing for you here.
if it started to burn, then ill assume that it's under 4.3gb.

So, im gonna ask, what media did you use? If it died before closing the session, it probably had some tracking error something like that.. try another (use a DVD-RW if you have one), and see if i dies at the same spot.
Just to expand on what panda said commercial DVD's are dual layered and can hold up to somewhere around 8 Gigs and the actual data that is required to hold the movie is about 6-7 Gigs. The apple superdrive you have is only single layered which can only burn 4.2 Gigs hence you can't fit all of the data on the DVD. Some dual layered consumer DVD burners are just coming out now and dual layered blank DVDs are coming out soon and will cost around $20 each.

Programs you could try are:

HandBrake 0.6.2
0SEx 0.0110a1

All are available on
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