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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 2, 2004
California, USA
With entourage open and creating a new mail message, Entrourage automatically takes me to the "type name or address here" window, where I then would insert my person of choice from my address book. Typing just one letter of the alphabet gives me a short cut to my address book, but there are a bunch of contacts that I've never seen before. How do I delete these unwanted contacts? They don't appear the address book section?

Thank you in advance, Bmode.
Re: Entourage - deleting unwanted contacts

Originally posted by Bmode
With entourage open and creating a new mail message, Entrourage automatically takes me to the "type name or address here" window, where I then would insert my person of choice from my address book. Typing just one letter of the alphabet gives me a short cut to my address book, but there are a bunch of contacts that I've never seen before. How do I delete these unwanted contacts? They don't appear the address book section?

Thank you in advance, Bmode.

I beleive what you nedd to do is in Preferences>Address Book>Messages (uncheck the first two)
I think Entourage saves addresses of previous senders/recipients automatically. It's not from the Address Book, since I don't use the Entourage address book and I still have the same thing happen. I tried deleting the Sent Items, Trash, and unneeded messages in the Inbox, and this behavior continued. I am not sure if there is a way to disable this.
Try: Mail & News Preferences> Compose .
At the bottom, there's an option for displaying recent addresses, with a button for clearing the list. That should get rid of those addresses you don't recognize.
Clearing recent email addresses from Entourage

Originally posted by Ugimom
Try: Mail & News Preferences> Compose
At the bottom, there's an option for displaying recent addresses, with a button for clearing the list.
That should get rid of those addresses you don't recognize.
I had looked and looked for a way to get rid of some WRONG or UNWANTED addresses that kept popping up. You have provided the solution. I appreciate the information, Ugimom, and...
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. :D
I suppose it works for Office v.X. Unfortunately, there is no such option in Office 2001. Oh well, I'll bear with it until I switch to OS X (sometime in the next couple weeks) then I'll be using and free of M$. works perfectly fine for me. Entourage is bloated, like a lot of the things MS makes.
Upgrade to OS X already! The difference is night and day, trust me, just try and multi-task when you get won't believe the difference!

Although the opening and closing of windows and folders was much quicker in OS 9.:D
Originally posted by Bmode
Upgrade to OS X already! The difference is night and day, trust me, just try and multi-task when you get won't believe the difference!

I know. I've been using Panther on my other machine for months. My G3 PB is going to be running Panther as soon as I get my new stick of RAM and I find out if the driver for my wireless card works with Panther.

OT but anyone know if Wireless Driver ( works with Panther? It's an Orinoco Gold on a Lombard 333.
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