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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 1, 2007
I manually added my entourage email accounts into iphone aside from my mac mail account. my inboxes for my entourage accounts say "Load 25 More Messages..." I sent a test email from one of my entourage accounts (from the iphone) and it worked, but still getting same inbox messages. My entourage accounts are thru I don't understand why i can't receive email, but i can send it on the iphone. any ideas? thanks


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 1, 2007
Just an update. it seems nobody else is having this problem? well, this morning it actually showed that i had an email in two of my entourage email inboxes, but when i tapped on the inbox it had the message and below it still said "Load 25 More Messages..." Plus, when i tapped on the new email it just had the subject line but said cannot download message from server, so i couldn't read it.


macrumors 6502
Jun 9, 2007
Dallas, Texas
There is a bug with e-mail I'm seeing as well. I have three accounts, and all say "Load additional Messages" and there are none on the server.


macrumors 6502
Jun 9, 2007
Dallas, Texas
I think we misunderstand that message. If you have more than 25 emails on your server, you have to hit it again to retrieve them. This is a guess on my part.

That's what I understand that message to mean. Still, no other messages are available to load on my server, so when I click that message nothing happens. Seems like a bug to me.
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