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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 2, 2004
Simple Question:

Do you prefer using Entourage or iMail, Address Book, and iCalendar instead (and why)?

Thank you!

OBT (PC Convert coming back home to Mac)
Must have spent a while on that PC of yours... All right, it's Mail, not iMail (Apple provides a mail application called Mail - thus is not an iApp of some sort). And I have yet to see an iApp of any sort with more than 7 characters... iCal, not iCalendar. Hey, don't feel too bad, at least you didn't capitalize every letter in "Mac."

I prefer Mail because it's free, effective, and fast. Address Book is all right, but I rarely use it. And I never use iCal for anything, except maybe to test out the color-changing checkmarks.

Hey, do people use iCal anymore?
I go the iCal, Address Book, Mail route. Although I do own MS Office I have never used Entourage. I got Office because I had to. I don't "have" to use Entourage, so I don't. I'm perfectly happy with Apple's apps and it doesn't bother me that it's 3 seperate apps--they work great together. I also have .Mac, other Macs, an iPod, and a cell phone that I keep synced with iSync. If I used Entourage I wouldn't be able to manage my information as easily.

Plus, Entourage is made by Microsoft. That bothers some people--me included.
King Cobra said:
Must have spent a while on that PC of yours... All right, it's Mail, not iMail (Apple provides a mail application called Mail - thus is not an iApp of some sort). And I have yet to see an iApp of any sort with more than 7 characters... iCal, not iCalendar. Hey, don't feel too bad, at least you didn't capitalize every letter in "Mac."

Hey, do people use iCal anymore?

I use all three...but here is a question...why not iMail? iCal is free as is mail so we can't say it is because they are a part of iLife..unless they plan or planned it to be a part if iLife and it never took off. I like iCal, but wish they would integrate it into a full fledged planner software. The to do list is really weak and difficult to manage right now.

Mail works great, iCal is nice with publishing online, etc. and address book works flawlessly and is integrated with Safari (for home pages, etc.) Mail, among other things.

Since they are all free try them out for a bit with the bar min. entered for address, cal, etc. and see for yourself.

Great Comments

Thanks for the replies. I would love to hear more.

How is the "sync-ing" capability with PDAs? Some better than others? I'm a heavy user of (my PC's MS Outlook--mail, address, calendar, tasks) so I'm trying to identify the best programs and PDAs so that I can reap the benefits of my new (expensive) mac laptop.

flyfish29 said:
but here is a question...why not iMail? iCal is free as is mail so we can't say it is because they are a part of iLife

To that, you should ask:
>Why isn't Chess called iChess?
>Why isn't Clock called iClock?

Apple decided what name to give it, I guess.
King Cobra said:
To that, you should ask:
>Why isn't Chess called iChess?
>Why isn't Clock called iClock?

Apple decided what name to give it, I guess.
After reading your reply I had a big duh a google search and there are several iMails out there including one that is a server. There is also a iChess and iClock- at least one of each. I would think with the mail at least that the name was already taken and registered so Apple couldn't use it...but only a guess. Doubt the others are registered but who knows.
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