Okay, I think the Mail app is great. I've never used Entourage; The description Micro$haft gives doesn't make me see why it is any better. What am I missing??
Entourage 2004 looks like a great alternative.[/QUOTE said:i have used EntourageX and 2004 beta and its brilliant. Do not be blinded by anti-M$ sentiments, at the end of the day, office 2004 is perfect. Download the trial and give it a whirl, i swear you'll forgive them.
Entourage has always worked with pop3 accounts as well as Exchange, so any mail.app user should be at home.
mwpeters8182 said:I use entourage, but that's because I have a msn email account (through verizon dsl, not out of choice). It does the job for me, but i do prefer mail.app for my pop mail. I just don't like having 2 seperate programs.
BornAgainMac said:Versiontracker has two programs to allow you to use Mail for your hotmail email. I am testing one of them. It doesn't seem to show any folders except for your primary inbox. I agree that using separate email programs is insane. Hotmail seems to be better implemented and supported on Entourage.
djdarlek said:i have used EntourageX and 2004 beta and its brilliant. Do not be blinded by anti-M$ sentiments, at the end of the day, office 2004 is perfect. Download the trial and give it a whirl, i swear you'll forgive them.
Entourage has always worked with pop3 accounts as well as Exchange, so any mail.app user should be at home.