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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 9, 2009
Please say it isn't by pressing menu several times to get back to the top level, selecting settings and then selecting Standby.

I'm hoping, like an iPod, there a 'press-and-hold' option.

Or there's always the 'pull-out-the-plug' option, but it seems a bit last century.
Nope- there is stand-by from the settings menu or un-plug her. There ain't no buttons and there ain't no off switch.

Cool has a price. :p

Were did you get this info from? On the main menu screen press and hold play and it will go into standby.
Were did you get this info from? On the main menu screen press and hold play and it will go into standby.

He;'s talking about switching it off and not putting it in standby, Standby is just lick sleeping your mac, it doesn't shut down.
In fact, standby on the aTV is worse - the wifi and harddrive are still active - isn't it something like 17 W idle "on" and 14 W standby. Hopefully, the next big update (3.0) will include an option to have a proper standby (all off bar the IR sensor). My LCD manages 1 W in standby, so there's no reason the aTV shouldn't be able to too.
i put mine into standby and then turn it off if i won't be using it for a few hours.

it may be a small waste of energy, but added up, not so small
First of all, the obvious MacRumors forum statement: This has been discussed many times. Try searching the forums!

Secondly: Somebody on the forum a while back did the math... in standby mode, the Apple TV will cost you $1 a month in electricity costs. Not too bad, but could be better. I imagine the next Apple TV will be "greener."
what i normally do with things like this: plug it into an outlet rack with an ON/OFF button and switch on/off from there.
Yeap! I don't see any environmental status report or Energy Star compliant on the  tv page.


Worse than sleep on a mac (as in the post above). At least that cuts the wifi and drives.
I bought something from the Apple Store today and was given a lecture that Apple 'don't give carrier bags any more' cos of the environment.

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