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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 30, 2009
Sunny Diego
im having problem..i get error when trying to update to get running 3.0.1 OS iphone / iTunes 9 / leopard 10.5.8..i type the command..

defaults write carrier-testing -bool TRUE ..that works..but when i click update on itunes hold alt then pick the ipcc file to says open not choose maybe thats why i get the error (0xE800003D)..

and yes i close itunes first..then the commands then open itunes..

how do i fix this error so i can update to get MMS?

Did you install a carrier theme from Cydia? Like the AT&T logo? If so remove that and try again. I got that error because of it.
It could be the newly installed software or the logo

Also you could try installing iTunes again
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