FIXED...Iphone 3G updating to 2.1 1600 error
Hi guys,
i recently tried to jailbreak my 8gb Iphone 3g, but was overcome, with the failure of the ITUNES ERROR (1600/2001). Finally afters hours of trial and error. this is what worked:
1) Install Pwnage 2.1, and the newest version of QuickPwn.
2) Run Pwnage, in order to create a custom firmware, but do not install, or run it on your iphone. In other words when you get to the step asking you to turn off your iphone just cancel the set up, and make sure you know where the custom firmware was saved ( we will be using this later).
2) Make sure You have Apples original 2.1 firmware, installed on your iphone
3) Run QuickPwn, and go through their installation.
4) This worked fine for me, and installed perfectly, however i wanted to customize my boot logo, and increase the Boot memory.
5) after running through QuickPwn and once iphone is jailbroken, Itunes will open.
6) "Alt/Option" click the restore button on itunes and choose the custom firmware created with the Pwnage tool.
Once i installe the final firmware from PWNAGE, make sure to upgrade all the cydia components that it asks you to upgrade. Make sure you do this before restarting your iphone.
If there is any errors, instead of upgrading try removing any software cydia asks you to upgrade.
IF you have any questions, post , or email me at