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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 12, 2007
Hello all,

I used Pwnagetool to create a custom .ipsw restore file.

Everytime I try to restore I get error 1600. Also, I got error 2001 once.

Anybody have any idea what is going on?

I know I am getting the phone into DFU mode correctly, using the instructions in Pwnagetool.

Hello all,

I used Pwnagetool to create a custom .ipsw restore file.

Everytime I try to restore I get error 1600. Also, I got error 2001 once.

Anybody have any idea what is going on?

I know I am getting the phone into DFU mode correctly, using the instructions in Pwnagetool.


What version of iTunes are you using to try and do the restore? I used iTunes 8 and got error messages but after downgrading to iTunes 7.7.1 it worked fine and restored the iPhone without any error messages.

iTunes 7.7.1 Download Link
Just a quick suggestion...I also had those error msgs when i tried to jb last night...

Try different USB ports on your comp...and plug out any USB hubs...give it a try...hopefully it's useful to you as it was for me.
I had errors 2001, 1600 and 9.

Follow SmOcKxY's suggestion. Also reboot your machine.

If errors don't go away re-put your iPhone in DFU mode. You may think it's already in DFU because iTunes tells you the phone needs to be restored but re-putting it in DFU worked for me.
I'm stuck at error 6 no matter what I do occasionally I get error 1600 but nothing works.
Try this. Go through Pwnage to build a custom firmware (even if you've already done it) up until it asks you if you have jailbroken the phone before at that point say "no" then it'll tell you to put your phone in DFU mode, do it until Pwnage says you've successfully put the phone in DFU mode. Then you should be able to install 2.1
I follow those exact same instructions and still get error 1600.

P.S. I am using iTunes 8 on Leopard.
I got error 1600 trying to restore to a custom IPSW on two of my pcs using iTunes, but upon switching to a pc using iTunes 8 and restoring to the original apple IPSW the errors disspeared.
I follow those exact same instructions and still get error 1600.

P.S. I am using iTunes 8 on Leopard.

Did you read my first post ? Downgrade iTunes like I did and I never got the error messages as a result.
1600 Error FIX

Note: This solution I read on the Dev Team blog comments, and it worked for me as well.

When you create your custom firmware in PwnageTool, and it asks you if you PWNED your phone before, say NO (even if you have), and PwnageTool will guide you through putting the phone in DFU mode (turning off the phone may be difficult - when you're iPhone is 'bricked' with a black screen - I had to hold home and lock buttons until PwnageTool recognized that I had turned off my phone) and then you can install the custom firmware through iTunes without the error 1600.

I had the same problem of error 1600, but this little fix worked for me and others.
start restoring in dfu mode with a normal firmware then in the middle of it force close itunes turn on your iphone you'll boot into recovery mode and then you'll be able to restore with a jailbroken ipsw

worked for me on itunes 8
I had gotten the same Error 1600 after creating my custom ipsw and putting my iPhone into DFU mode. So after getting my phone back to version 1.1.4, I decided to just straight up Option+Restore from the iPhone summary page without entering DFU or normal Recovery Mode. Turns out it works like a charm, and my iPhone is running pretty damn well on 2.1 software.

Just so you all know, I'm using Mac OS X 10.5.4 and iTunes 8.
FIXED...Iphone 3G updating to 2.1 1600 error

Hi guys,

i recently tried to jailbreak my 8gb Iphone 3g, but was overcome, with the failure of the ITUNES ERROR (1600/2001). Finally afters hours of trial and error. this is what worked:

1) Install Pwnage 2.1, and the newest version of QuickPwn.

2) Run Pwnage, in order to create a custom firmware, but do not install, or run it on your iphone. In other words when you get to the step asking you to turn off your iphone just cancel the set up, and make sure you know where the custom firmware was saved ( we will be using this later).

2) Make sure You have Apples original 2.1 firmware, installed on your iphone

3) Run QuickPwn, and go through their installation.

4) This worked fine for me, and installed perfectly, however i wanted to customize my boot logo, and increase the Boot memory.

5) after running through QuickPwn and once iphone is jailbroken, Itunes will open.

6) "Alt/Option" click the restore button on itunes and choose the custom firmware created with the Pwnage tool.

Once i installe the final firmware from PWNAGE, make sure to upgrade all the cydia components that it asks you to upgrade. Make sure you do this before restarting your iphone.

If there is any errors, instead of upgrading try removing any software cydia asks you to upgrade.

IF you have any questions, post , or email me at
Having problems too...

I am using iTunes 7.7.1 and still get the 1600 error message.

I have rebooted my computer, changed USB ports.

I am nervous of trying some of the other methods listed because I am also trying to unlock my 2G iPhone, not just Jailbreak it.

Any other advise..??? Do I need to let iTunes update to the 2.1 software before I try to pwn it?

Hello all,

I used Pwnagetool to create a custom .ipsw restore file.

Everytime I try to restore I get error 1600. Also, I got error 2001 once.

Anybody have any idea what is going on?

I know I am getting the phone into DFU mode correctly, using the instructions in Pwnagetool.


In windows task manager, shut down iPodService.exe. Now you can restore your phone using your custom firmware. This WORKS!
Try this. Go through Pwnage to build a custom firmware (even if you've already done it) up until it asks you if you have jailbroken the phone before at that point say "no" then it'll tell you to put your phone in DFU mode, do it until Pwnage says you've successfully put the phone in DFU mode. Then you should be able to install 2.1

This exactly what I had to do... I was also getting error 1600 (using iTunes 8). For whatever reason, answering "no" as suggested above fixed the problem for me; I was able to option + Restore & get iTunes 8 to restore my 2G iPhone w/ the custom firmware created w/ Pwnage...
so you have 2.02 on your phone your just kind of screwed?

is there any bennifit to having 2.02? on a 2g?

i have been battling this 1600 error for a couple days now it's getting frustrating.

anyone want to add me to msn lend a hand i also made a post called error 1600 problem, need some quick help if possible thanks guys!:apple::apple:
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