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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 6, 2003
Hi, I unlocked my iphone and I'm using T-mobile with it. I got the T-zones and downloaded the T-Zones hack which worked fine for a while, but now I keep getting the Error 500 Internal Server Error message and it won't connect to any of the websites any longer unless I connect via WiFi. I reinstalled the most recent T-Mobile hack from Cydia and I'm currently using 2.0 on my iPhone. Any suggestions on what I can do to restore my edge network?


Hrm... just disabled WiFi on mine to use Edge, and it worked fine. I have not installed the new TZone's hack though. I assume you've turned off/on the phone, so, we could go to step two and try to uninstall the TZone's hack package, reboot the phone, then install again?

Shrug... short of that, I dunno. Could always check with TMo to see if there's an extended outage in your area?
I haven't tried to uninstall the T-Zones hack. I just re-installed the current hack, 2.0 I believe. Also I am running 2.0 on my phone. I have not upgraded for fear of undoing what I have so far. 2.0 seems to work fine other than the T-Zones hack, so why mess. Not sure of being on 2.0 still would matter in the equation. I will try to uninstall tonight, reboot and then re-install and see what happens.
have you tried manually editing the preferences.plist file yourself and see if that works? that's how i've done my tzones since b4 the bossprefs "hack" was out. never had a problem so far 1.1-current fw's
I uninstalled the T-Zones hack, rebooted the iphone, installed the hack again and rebooted one more time. Worked like a charm. Thanks for the suggestion
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