I´m having an error 53 when trying to restore my iPhone 6plus.
Now is stucked in recovery mode. I tried in 2 different computers (Mac). Any ideas?
I am having same issue.. error 53 half way when it says "verifying iphone restore"
I also have the error 53
My screen was never replaced- I DID replaced the flex cable-
Phone was dropped in water but no signs of corrosion- even the liquid sensors did not change color-
After the phone was dropped- i let the phone "dry out" I did not remover the battery BUT the phone worked fine for over a month with no lasting effects of the water-
The issue started when I "erased all content" through the phone- it locked up so I figured I would just update it-
This is where error 53 happened- it was bout 5-% done when the error popped up---
Nothing in the phone was corroded I changed the flex cable because I read that was a common issue- but I didnt fix mine
After a deep online research, I found that the error 53 is hardware related problem. Mostly the touch ID sensor. If you changed the touch ID, then you need to put back your old Touch ID and restore your iPhone again to get rid of the error 53.
This worked for me. Tested with iPhone 6 64GB iOS 9.1.
Source: http://www.unlockboot.com/2015/09/6-ways-to-fix-itunes-error-53-when.html
There's the possibility that it was all part of basically some sinister conspiracy, and there's the possibility/probability that it was due to a bug or an oversight of some sort essentially.Apple were testing weather they could get away with it. You should be thankful this caused outrage .....
Yeah yeah....security/privacy.....the song of Apple PR and blind followers. Yes it's critical, though in this case the device just needed to disable the touchid and inform the user that it would not work due to repair etc....just a message. The user goes back to password and the device functions.
Apple choose to brick it....against all consumer protection, given the device would have worked fine without touchid enabled and been even more protected by a secure password.
The other idiot thing is that error 53 was not just isolated to 3rd party devices, some were apple devices that were never repaired and just had a hardware failure ..... poor implementation
There's the possibility that it was all part of basically some sinister conspiracy, and there's the possibility/probability that it was due to a bug or an oversight of some sort essentially.
As I recall they did acknowledge that the bricking aspect of it was unintentional (basically a bug/oversight) and had a fix for that in an update.Fair enough, I'll accept what you are saying, though at the same time instead of acknowledging it as a bug , they turned it into a PR spin that I was done out of love for the user and thier security. Can't have it both ways.
I actually think it was a bug/incorrect implementation and the PR department made a dogs breakfast out of it.
As I recall they did acknowledge that the bricking aspect of it was unintentional (basically a bug/oversight) and had a fix for that in an update.