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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 10, 2014
I'm trying to set a preset property on an audio sampler so as to load a sound font. I am using ios7.1 sdk Xcode 5.
The error i get is 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Unable to set the preset property on the Sampler. Error code:-50.

How can i determine what error code 50 means? Is there a list of error codes?
I have googled and looked in Apple developer forum without success.
Post your code where you setup the audio properties and where you apply it. Someone might see something.

A couple of years ago I recall getting the same or similar NSInternalInconsistencyException message. As I recall was setting up up data rates (AVEncoderBitRatePerChannelKey) and sampling rates (AVSampleRateKey). Data rates were 64, 96, 120 & 160. Sampling rates were 22050, 44100, and 48000. I believe there were mixes that couldn't be done, at least on certain devices. I see a note in my code that says 22050 couldn't be used with an iPhone 3GS.

So, what I'm suggesting is that your trying a setting that is not allowed. Experimenting with differing values may help you find a solution.

That's all I recall. Maybe it will be helpful.
Ok, i had a similar thought, i will try different values for the preset value and see how i go. It is a little tedious editing the value and running the application over and over.
A list of error code messages would be helpful.
If i can't sort it out, i will post the code.
Thanks for your reply.
Without knowing what specific framework / class / method you're calling, it's gonna be hard for us to help you understand the error codes. Can you provide the code that is causing the error code? Providing real code is always a big help.
Ok, frameworks i'm using are core audio, core midi, audio toolbox.
code where problem occurs is:
#import "ViewController.h"

@interface ViewController ()
@property (readwrite) AUGraph   processingGraph;
@property (readwrite) AudioUnit samplerUnit;
@property (readwrite) AudioUnit ioUnit;


@implementation ViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];


- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning
    [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];

- (BOOL) createAUGraph {
    // Each core audio call returns an OSStatus. This means that we
    // Can see if there have been any errors in the setup
	OSStatus result = noErr;
    // Create 2 audio units one sampler and one IO
	AUNode samplerNode, ioNode;
    // Specify the common portion of an audio unit's identify, used for both audio units
    // in the graph.
    // Setup the manufacturer - in this case Apple
	AudioComponentDescription cd = {};
	cd.componentManufacturer     = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple;
    // Instantiate an audio processing graph
	result = NewAUGraph (&_processingGraph);
    NSCAssert (result == noErr, @"Unable to create an AUGraph object. Error code: %d '%.4s'", (int) result, (const char *)&result);
	//Specify the Sampler unit, to be used as the first node of the graph
	cd.componentType = kAudioUnitType_MusicDevice; // type - music device
	cd.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_Sampler; // sub type - sampler to convert our MIDI
    // Add the Sampler unit node to the graph
	result = AUGraphAddNode (self.processingGraph, &cd, &samplerNode);
    NSCAssert (result == noErr, @"Unable to add the Sampler unit to the audio processing graph. Error code: %d '%.4s'", (int) result, (const char *)&result);
	// Specify the Output unit, to be used as the second and final node of the graph
	cd.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Output;  // Output
	cd.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_RemoteIO;  // Output to speakers
    // Add the Output unit node to the graph
	result = AUGraphAddNode (self.processingGraph, &cd, &ioNode);
    NSCAssert (result == noErr, @"Unable to add the Output unit to the audio processing graph. Error code: %d '%.4s'", (int) result, (const char *)&result);
    // Open the graph
	result = AUGraphOpen (self.processingGraph);
    NSCAssert (result == noErr, @"Unable to open the audio processing graph. Error code: %d '%.4s'", (int) result, (const char *)&result);
    // Connect the Sampler unit to the output unit
	result = AUGraphConnectNodeInput (self.processingGraph, samplerNode, 0, ioNode, 0);
    NSCAssert (result == noErr, @"Unable to interconnect the nodes in the audio processing graph. Error code: %d '%.4s'", (int) result, (const char *)&result);
	// Obtain a reference to the Sampler unit from its node
	result = AUGraphNodeInfo (self.processingGraph, samplerNode, 0, &_samplerUnit);
    NSCAssert (result == noErr, @"Unable to obtain a reference to the Sampler unit. Error code: %d '%.4s'", (int) result, (const char *)&result);
	// Obtain a reference to the I/O unit from its node
	result = AUGraphNodeInfo (self.processingGraph, ioNode, 0, &_ioUnit);
    NSCAssert (result == noErr, @"Unable to obtain a reference to the I/O unit. Error code: %d '%.4s'", (int) result, (const char *)&result);
    return YES;
// Starting with instantiated audio processing graph, configure its
// audio units, initialize it, and start it.
- (void) configureAndStartAudioProcessingGraph: (AUGraph) graph {
    OSStatus result = noErr;
    if (graph) {
        // Initialize the audio processing graph.
        result = AUGraphInitialize (graph);
        NSAssert (result == noErr, @"Unable to initialze AUGraph object. Error code: %d '%.4s'", (int) result, (const char *)&result);
        // Start the graph
        result = AUGraphStart (graph);
        NSAssert (result == noErr, @"Unable to start audio processing graph. Error code: %d '%.4s'", (int) result, (const char *)&result);
        // Print out the graph to the console
        //CAShow (graph);
// Load a sound effect from a SoundFont file
-(OSStatus) loadFromDLSOrSoundFont: (NSURL *)bankURL withPatch: (int)presetNumber {
    OSStatus result = noErr;
    // fill out a bank preset data structure
    AUSamplerBankPresetData bpdata;
    bpdata.bankURL  = (__bridge CFURLRef) bankURL;
    bpdata.bankMSB  = kAUSampler_DefaultMelodicBankMSB;
    bpdata.bankLSB  = kAUSampler_DefaultBankLSB;
    bpdata.presetID = (UInt8) presetNumber;
    // set the kAUSamplerProperty_LoadPresetFromBank property
    result = AudioUnitSetProperty(self.samplerUnit,
    // check for errors
    NSCAssert (result == noErr,
               @"Unable to set the preset property on the Sampler. Error code:%d '%.4s'",
               (int) result,
               (const char *)&result);
    return result;

- (IBAction)playMidi:(id)sender {
    // Create a new music sequence
    MusicSequence s;
    // Initialise the music sequence
        NSString *midiFilePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle]
    // Create a new URL which points to the MIDI file
    NSURL * midiFileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:midiFilePath];
    MusicSequenceFileLoad(s, (__bridge CFURLRef)(midiFileURL), 0, 0);
    // Create a new music player
    MusicPlayer  p;
    // Initialise the music player
    // ************* Tell the music sequence to output through our new AUGraph
    MusicSequenceSetAUGraph(s, self.processingGraph);
    // ************* Load the sound font from file
      NSURL *presetURL = [[NSURL alloc] initFileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Gorts_Filters" ofType:@"sf2"]];
    // *************[B][U][COLOR="Red"] this is the preset value (int) 10 that seems to be the problem.[/COLOR][/U][/B]
    [self loadFromDLSOrSoundFont: (NSURL *)presetURL withPatch: (int)10];
    // Load the sequence into the music player
    MusicPlayerSetSequence(p, s);
    // Called to do some MusicPlayer setup. This just
    // reduces latency when MusicPlayerStart is called
    // Starts the music playing
    // Get length of track so that we know how long to kill time for
    MusicTrack t;
    MusicTimeStamp len;
    UInt32 sz = sizeof(MusicTimeStamp);
    MusicSequenceGetIndTrack(s, 1, &t);
    MusicTrackGetProperty(t, kSequenceTrackProperty_TrackLength, &len, &sz);
    while (1) { // kill time until the music is over
        usleep (3 * 1000 * 1000);
        MusicTimeStamp now = 0;
        MusicPlayerGetTime (p, &now);
        if (now >= len)
    // Stop the player and dispose of the objects
Let me know if i have missing required information.
Set a breakpoint inside your method:

-(OSStatus) loadFromDLSOrSoundFont: (NSURL *)bankURL withPatch: (int)presetNumber

Step through it and see which line it fails on.
OK, i set a break point in the method.
    OSStatus result = noErr;
    // fill out a bank preset data structure
    AUSamplerBankPresetData bpdata;
    bpdata.bankURL  = (__bridge CFURLRef) bankURL;//[COLOR="Red"]stopped here[/COLOR]
    bpdata.bankMSB  = kAUSampler_DefaultMelodicBankMSB;
    bpdata.bankLSB  = kAUSampler_DefaultBankLSB;
    bpdata.presetID = (UInt8) presetNumber;

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