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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 29, 2012

I started using Xcode about a week ago and I'm working on an iPhone App for my school.

So, I used the tabbed application template Apple provided. So on one of my view controllers I have a button that I want to transition to another View Controller when clicked. So, I Ctrl + Dragged and selected the other View Controller and I chose a Push segue. Now, when I run the app in the iOS Simulator and I click it I receive the following error:

return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([CGHSAppDelegate class]));

I have seen other similar threads on it but none seem to be a fix to my problem.

Nothing from that description is jumping out at me.

I think it's probably best if you zip up your project and attach it to a post so we can poke around and find what's wrong. Generally if something this simple breaks it means you accidentally changed a configuration or something without noticing and so you'd fail to mention that when describing your problem.
Is the base view controller imbedded in a UINavigationController? A push segue can only be instantiated from within a Navigation Controller. From the storyboard, on your base UIViewController go to Editor>Embed In>Navigation Controller (I believe that is the correct path).
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