iphone error (6) fix
so, same problem, i wanted the new 2.0 firmware on my iphone, it bricked, really bad, i tryed restoring to everything, 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 and keept getting everithing from error (6) to (9) to (20) and to 16**, i don`t know if it only worked for me but this is what i did, i took out the sim card, and installed ziphone, docked the iphone and in ziphone ADVANCED FEATURES chose DFU mode, then in itunes i restored it to firmware 1.1.3 the only one that worked only after it installed it sayd refreshig firmware and crashed, error bla bla bal and showed me the usb cable on the iphone, nevermind that, the software is installed u just can't see it, go to ziphone and click on DO IT ALL, after that. happy happy joy joy it worked, i`m now on 1.1.3 firmware, i used to be on 1.1.4, tryed to upgrade to 1.1.4 and bricked the phone again, but did the whole ziphone 1.1.3 and worked, so i did it twice and it worked for me, hope i`t's useful sorry abut the mistakes i`m from romania