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Everpix. Great service.


Just make sure that if you use Aperture, you use the "SKIP_EVERPIX" keyword or ALL of your images get loaded up into the cloud. As soon as I import into Aperture, I assign the "SKIP_EVERPIX" keyword to all of my images, and then selectively delete this keyword from the images that I want uploaded to Everpic.

Although, if memory serves me, Razeus will NOT have to worry about Aperture. ;) Not sure how it is handled in LR though...

Ya, I don't ever have to worry about Aperture.

I'm trying Everpix and Loom. I like Everpix is unlimited. I don't like you can't create albums, nor go to specific photo (for example, "find pics of my son, 3 years ago). I can scroll back 3 years, but then I have to scroll to find pics of him one by one. But I guess this can be solved by "Photo Pages".

Loom is nice too, but expensive. They need more space options.

I'm considering a Flickr account since it's virtually unlimited space and will store full resolution photos and will do album (called sets) for free.
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First Snapjoy (bought out by Dropbox), now this. I guess I'll move on to Loom and see how long that lasts.

Since Loom and PictureLife have more conservative pricing plan, I am hoping their pricing plans allow them to at least break even. But I think I will be looking at service from more well known companies.

Really liking Loom. All my pics on all devices and then folders and folders multi-levels deep. Nicely done. A little glitchy at times but improving.
Really liking Loom. All my pics on all devices and then folders and folders multi-levels deep. Nicely done. A little glitchy at times but improving.

Funny how the bill themselves the infinite camera roll, yet only give 5GB of space.:confused:
Yes, they should give you as much space as you need for free. There's a good business model!

Is that what I'm suggesting? Or am I suggesting their tagline is false? Even with paid service, their tagline is still false, unless my definition of infinite is faulty.
I'm giving Loom a try but one thing I dont get! Why wouldnt it integrate with Iphoto? I cant share from Iphoto and it looks like my only choice is to upload my entire iphoto library?? What am I missing?

I'm giving Loom a try but one thing I dont get! Why wouldnt it integrate with Iphoto? I cant share from Iphoto and it looks like my only choice is to upload my entire iphoto library?? What am I missing?


They say iPhoto integration and selective sharing is coming. It's all or nothing at this point. I had to make a special folder for "Loom Uploads" that was no more than 5GB of photos so I can test out the service.

Seems like these startups launch with the bare minimum. What's bizarre is that they choose Mac as the platform, yet leave out iPhoto integration, which I'm sure is where most Mac users keep their photos. Then they have the nerve to expect you to pay when they don't even have the basic features in place, like the ability to post to Twitter/Facebook.

I like the service so far, but not enough to pay for it, until they had some features (search, iPhoto integration, selective sync, grab photos from social networks, mapping, EXIF data info screen, Flashback feature, group sharing, ability to share to social networks). Basically, everything Everpix had plus a few more.
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Hello from a Picturelife engineer

Hey all! Up front, just want to let you know I'm an iOS developer at Picturelife. I'm also a MacRumors junkie (go figure), so I thought I'd pop in and say hello.

If you were a former Everpix user, be sure to check out our blog to learn how you can easily transfer your entire archive to Picturelife. In any case, I hope you'll give us a try, and if you have any feedback / questions / concerns / etc, feel free to contact me at dan at picturelife dot com!

I think we've got *almost* everything on Razeus' wish list... :) Search, iPhoto & Aperture upload, import from social networks (with de-duping of course), places, exif data, Memories (our version of Flashback), and easy sharing to people and social networks. And we've got a lot of great stuff coming!
Hey all! Up front, just want to let you know I'm an iOS developer at Picturelife. I'm also a MacRumors junkie (go figure), so I thought I'd pop in and say hello.

If you were a former Everpix user, be sure to check out our blog to learn how you can easily transfer your entire archive to Picturelife. In any case, I hope you'll give us a try, and if you have any feedback / questions / concerns / etc, feel free to contact me at dan at picturelife dot com!

I think we've got *almost* everything on Razeus' wish list... :) Search, iPhoto & Aperture upload, import from social networks (with de-duping of course), places, exif data, Memories (our version of Flashback), and easy sharing to people and social networks. And we've got a lot of great stuff coming!

You need to offer some sort of "selective sync" so I don't have to upload my entire 60,000 image Aperutre library. Either by indicating specific events, albums or smart albums OR exclude images tagged with a specific keyword. That was a killer feature of Everpix and one that all these other cloud image services lack.
We can make that happen!

You need to offer some sort of "selective sync" so I don't have to upload my entire 60,000 image Aperutre library. Either by indicating specific events, albums or smart albums OR exclude images tagged with a specific keyword. That was a killer feature of Everpix and one that all these other cloud image services lack.

Adding the ability to flag photos with a keyword in Aperture/iPhoto to be skipped by our Mac Uploader App would be trivial. We hadn't done so for a few reasons.
  1. I don't love the idea of making people edit their original data.
  2. It puts a fair amount of burden on the user to keep applying that keyword to new photos.
  3. We'd much rather provide a more thorough solution (allowing you to specify events, albums, your own keywords, faces, etc) right from the get-go.
Of course, a less than optimal solution is better than no solution at all, so we should implement the hardcoded "don't upload this to Picturelife" keyword now. I'll try it out this afternoon, and talk to the other Mac engineer about pushing out an updated build early this week. We'll put up a blog post about it and I'll let you know here when it's out.
Hey all! Up front, just want to let you know I'm an iOS developer at Picturelife. I'm also a MacRumors junkie (go figure), so I thought I'd pop in and say hello.

If you were a former Everpix user, be sure to check out our blog to learn how you can easily transfer your entire archive to Picturelife. In any case, I hope you'll give us a try, and if you have any feedback / questions / concerns / etc, feel free to contact me at dan at picturelife dot com!

I think we've got *almost* everything on Razeus' wish list... :) Search, iPhoto & Aperture upload, import from social networks (with de-duping of course), places, exif data, Memories (our version of Flashback), and easy sharing to people and social networks. And we've got a lot of great stuff coming!

So far, the service works nicely. Giving the 5GB plan a try as I test it out.

I really wish there was an unlimited option to Picturelife or Loom. That's was my favorite feature of Everpix - I simply didn't have to worry about space. While Picturelife/Loom paid options are ok, we run unto the problem where were paying for space we don't use.

For example, Picturelife paid option up from the free 5GB is 100GB! My personal photo library is just under 30GB covering 2009-2013 so far, or 5 years. Extrapolating, it'll take me 12 years before I can even hit the 100GB limit, meaning I'm paying for space I'm not going to use presently. With Everpix, I didn't have to worry about that, plus it was significantly cheaper. It doesn't feel justified to pay for 100GB of space when I know I only have 30GB to start with and increasing about 6GB a year. Again, the service is good, but the pricing plans need more options for us smaller guys, like a 50GB tier for $4/month or $40 for the year.
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Does your service of de-duplication?

Yup it sure does - quite successfully most of the time! And actually one of our engineers has been working on re-writing our de-dup over the last week so that it will be even better! Should be out in the wild soon...
Yup it sure does - quite successfully most of the time! And actually one of our engineers has been working on re-writing our de-dup over the last week so that it will be even better! Should be out in the wild soon...

Does the de duplication work on all photos imported in a similar method to everpix? For example if I have an image in picture life and later save that image to my camera roll and it is reuploaded, will it appear twice? What if it is lower quality?
Does the de duplication work on all photos imported in a similar method to everpix? For example if I have an image in picture life and later save that image to my camera roll and it is reuploaded, will it appear twice? What if it is lower quality?

Correct. It shouldn't matter where the different versions of a photo come from, or whether they are different sizes / quality etc. We'll recognize them as the same image, and group them together. (And as I mentioned, this process should be getting much more reliable very soon.) Let me know (via email) if you find examples where we are not successfully de-duping! Those are always helpful for our engineers.
Well gang. I'm on to Picturelife now. I fear I already know how this will end.
Happy to have you aboard Razeus. For what it's worth, Picturelife was founded before Snapjoy, Everpix, and Loom, and we're still around, going strong, and not planning on going anywhere. You can read some of our CEO's thoughts on the matter here.

Good to know. Perhaps the CEO can do a nice blog post on the Picturelife blog about the state of these services. I'm sure many potential users are on the fence as they know a service like yours is probably aiming for a buyout or, in the worse case, underfunded and will eventually shut down so why bother? Afterall, that's a lot of uploading to do only having to start over a few months down the line (I'm on my 4th time uploading 35GB worth of pictures!).

Can you share what updates and plans are coming to Picturelife soon?
Adding the ability to flag photos with a keyword in Aperture/iPhoto to be skipped by our Mac Uploader App would be trivial. We hadn't done so for a few reasons.
  1. I don't love the idea of making people edit their original data.
  2. It puts a fair amount of burden on the user to keep applying that keyword to new photos.
  3. We'd much rather provide a more thorough solution (allowing you to specify events, albums, your own keywords, faces, etc) right from the get-go.
Of course, a less than optimal solution is better than no solution at all, so we should implement the hardcoded "don't upload this to Picturelife" keyword now. I'll try it out this afternoon, and talk to the other Mac engineer about pushing out an updated build early this week. We'll put up a blog post about it and I'll let you know here when it's out.

So here it is, 5 months later, and still no "selective sync". By looking at your feature request threads on your site, I'm not the only one looking for selective sync. I don't know what your end-game is, but instead of implementing the "trivial" solution, you are still futzing around with the more thorough solution. The first two reasons you list are VERY trivial from an Aperture user's perspective. You're not editing the original image, but an associated file, and keywording in Aperture is very easy and straightforward. It sure is easier than what some of the proposed solutions by your staff have been (create a separate library and sync just that, drag images to a watched folder, etc.). I am still on the free plan, and have no intention of upgrading until I can selectively sync my libraries.
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